Back in Los Angeles
Monday, March 19th, 2007I’m finally home safe and sound from all my far flung travels. It’s been quite a whirlwind experience and now that I’ve been home for 3 months, I’m slowly putting together all the little bits and pieces of things I’ve seen, learned, and experienced from along the way. I’m back in Los Angeles now living at my friends house until I can find my own place. I went through a really tough time adapting back into our way of life. There is a good quote from T. S. Eliot’s “Little Gidding”
And at the end of all our exploring
Will be to arrive where we started
And know the place for the first time
as inspiring as this all sounds , however, “knowing” your home for the first time means that you feel like a stranger in a place that should feel familar. It’s unsettling and just plane old wierd. I had my good days and a bunch of “what the hell am I doing now” kinda days, but it’s all been for the greater good of learning alot more about myself.
On the flip side I have been enjoying getting reacquainted with everything back here. I spent at least a month taking the bus and walking to all my destinations. Old habits die hard ya know. And for the haters of the L.A. public transit, I say phooey. It’s not that bad. I more recently purchased a new used car. I got myself a sweet little Nissan 300ZX. It’s been over a year and a half since I had a car and it’s a pretty cool luxury to have again! Another major change I took on was getting braces! Christ, I feel like I’m in my teens all over again. LOL. It’s the second time around for that and this time I promise to wear my retainer 🙂 Life is good and I am realizing there is alot of truth in the adage “enjoy the journey”
I’m keeping in touch with friends I’ve met along the way and it’s nice to feel connected to a part of the world that use to seem so far away. This world of ours is not as big as it once seemed and I realize that decisions we make impact so many people all over the planet. It’s incredible to grasp the stronghold of the United States of America. It’s also a little sad in the sense that all these places I’ve visited are slowly losing there culture to a more globalized oneness. Through our movies, which are everywhere, and our media. This is one of those things that is twofold because, had it not been for the world being so global, people like myself never would be able to travel like I did, and because we travel we make it more like our homes. In the way that we bring in our Mcdonalds, Starbucks, Megastores, and all the rush rush rush bullshit.
Can you feel the love?!?! I’m very proud of where I’m from, but have come to the thinking that life as we know it here in my opinion needs to change. We have it so comfortable here with all our nice houses and credit out the yazoo. We finance anything we want on a whim and make a payment for the rest of our life to have something we don’t need. We are so dependent on cars and gas and have nothing to show for it but a bunch of unhealthy stressed out lifestyles. What is happening to my home? I’m sure it’s always been this way, but now, I feel like I’m finally waking up to smell the coffee.
Well, that’s enough of my opinions. No place is perfect and like I said before, I’m very proud of where I’m from and the opportunity it provides me.
On a final note. I’m now employed once again. I’m working back at the motorcycle shop. Part time this time around. Giving myself ample time off to enjoy the simpler things in life, like going on weekly hikes and having time to wake up slow! I also will be pursuing my acting dream once again. I start classes here in two weeks and I’m excited to move in that direction. Also I recently started doing Yoga! That is something I never thought I would end up getting involved with, but it’s turning out to be a huge turning point in really getting inside my body and finding out what I need. I highly recommend it for those of you who might not otherwise give it a chance. Like I said before, life is good and I’m enjoying my journey, my path, wherever it may lead me.
To all my friends and family, I look foward to the day when once again we are together, sharing in each others lives and seeing all your smiling faces!