Happy New Year and Merry Photo-Browsing!
At long last, I’ve gotten my act together on the photo front. Lesson learned: when you’re on a round-the-world trip, upload photos as you take them.
My photos from Malaysia, India, Kenya, and Tanzania can be seen at http://flickr.com/photos/dptrphotos/. I have internet access at the house where I’m staying in Rome, so my photos from Egypt should also be up within the next few days. There are no Rwanda photos because, as those of you who read this blog might remember, my camera was stolen in Kigali (tear).
Update: All my photos are now online!
One of my New Year’s resolutions was to start posting on more a regular basis, so expect to hear from me again soon. I had a blast hanging out at Rome’s Piazza di Popolo on New Year’s Eve, and the experience was definitely entry-worthy. More on that later. Until then, enjoy the photos!
Tags: India, Italy, Kenya, Malaysia, RTW 07/08, Tanzania
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