Fun Times
Remember my bodily complaints section from my second posting? Well, I have an update.
Apparently, Matteo wasn’t the only person who ended up feeling sick in Manali a few days ago. I became sick as well, and spent a night hugging my toilet. (Thank god it wasn’t a squat toilet, ’cause that could’ve been really ugly.) Then, yesterday, I popped a whole lot of Pepto-Bismol and grabbed a bag to throw up in before getting on a 15-hour bus ride to Delhi. (It was originally 12, but the drivers took their time.) Which, as I’m sure you can imagine, was a lot of fun. And then, after going straight to the Delhi bus station, I waited for 4 hours before traveling on to Agra because my 3-hour train ride was delayed by 3 hours.
I guess getting sick was bound to happen sooner or later. At least my body picked a convenient time. …
But things are starting to lift up. I had my first full meal today, and it wasn’t at just any restaurant. It was on the roof of my hotel, which has a spectacular view of the Taj Mahal. As long as I keep the meal down, I predict that tomorrow will be an excellent day.
Tags: India, RTW 07/08
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