BootsnAll Travel Network

Fembots Among Us…

July 20th, 2007

There was this article about supposed fem-bots, this new breed of women twentysomethings and thirtysomethings who were detached, selfish and competitive. Sounds like neo-feminazism? Well, it just described women that didn’t feel the need to get emotional, were very self-aware of their needs coming first and not really trying to be everyone’s best friend and were focused on their careers and getting ahead in them.

So goes the American’s psyche, being further plunged into a younger generation of women’s heads. Read the rest of this entry »


starting a gratitude journal

July 20th, 2007

I’m grateful that I go into the kitchen and there is something that I can eat or make to eat.

I am grateful for having a comfortable bed to sleep in.

I am grateful for having my parents

I am grateful for having the cutest dog that I love.

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Okay, I’m getting political….

July 11th, 2007

Impeachment. Yes, Bush should be impeach, but then who would be left, but the man behind the curtain. Click below to impeach him, for god sakes….


The Greener Life

June 29th, 2007

..sounds like a movie you say? No, it’s even better, it’s your one-stop shop for finding eco-companies sharing their holistic and/or fair-trade goods on this great site, The Greener **I can’t make a link I don’t know what is going on with bootsnall’s programming**

They have high-end furniture made of hemp and stuffed with eco-minded materials, luxurious lotions, organic clothing, etc., etc.

It’s a new company started by my long-time childhood friend Jeremy and his lovely wife, who seems like someone I’ve known forever as well, Nattaliah. Their vision to leave a positive impact and do something more meaningful with their lives, something that resonated with how they felt about who they are in the world, resulted in this new on-line company. They plan on opening an actual brick-and-mortar store in the West Palm Beach area (where they live). But for now you can catch them on-line at!

They are having a sale on some products, so check it out!


…and a spider sat down beside her….

June 29th, 2007

…and scared the living bejeezus out of me! I’ve been seeing this little black spider crawling on my wall for the past couple of days, thinking, I should get it out of here since I tend to be allergic due to sensitive skin if they decide to chew on me whilst sleeping. Read the rest of this entry »
