Jun 20

South America: Amazon Jungle – Lima

by in Peru

We had a sleep in on our last day, relatively speaking, not having to leave for the airport until 6.30am. After a quick breakfast, we farewelled our guides and took the 1.5hr boat ride back to head office where we grabbed our bags and drove to the airport in Puerto Maldonados.

We were early this time, thank goodness, and had time to farewell our tour guide who would be leaving us to fly back to his hometown. And then it was all over. The rest of the group wouldn’t leave until the next day, so once we arrived at our hotel in Lima and freshened up, we decided to have our final dinner in Barranco as it seemed like such a pretty spot last time we visited. This time though, we walked straight to a glamorous bar for tapas and cocktails. Lots and lots of cocktails. Far too many cocktails, in fact. But God those cosmopolitans were great. I don’t think the DJ had ever had any group pay him that much attention, or dance in the restaurant for that matter. But soon enough, lots of others were up dancing, and although we were only supposed to have our table until 10pm, we were spending so much on the many, many cocktails we were drinking they let us stay.

Once we finally paid the bill and left, a few others and myself continued on to a jazz club with a band and entertained the crowd. By which I mean we were the only non-locals in the place and got up and danced to almost every song. The locals showed us their Latino moves and we tried to keep up. It was great fun and a real culture experience. I’m not sure how we managed to get a cab back home, but we made it in the end. It was a great night.

– Sarah


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