Aug 01

Europe: Glasgow

by in Scotland, Travel

After three months of searching online for the best accomodation deals, I had become quite the expert, so much so that I ended up in a self-catered apartment in the Glasgow School of Art college for the same price as a crowded dorm room with no privacy. Pure luxury – especially considering my next destination (after another London stopover) involved camping in Africa for a month.

Glasgow is a big city – I had no choice but to grab buses instead of walking, though I chose a two-day pass on one of the tourist buses so someone else could tell me actual facts about the places I was going to, rather than me just looking at something and thinking ‘wow, that is really amazing because, um, it looks really old’. As it turns out, I can’t remember most of the information anyway. But Glasgow was wonderful, because there was great shopping, and some really amazing buildings that, um, looked really old.

(The photos are better than the blog, I promise, which says a lot about my blog, because let’s face it, the photos are pretty shit)


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