Apr 05

Canada: Dates, times and other irrelevant details

by in Canada

Ok, just to make sure you understand the background of my experience with dates and times – I am quite good with a diary, a calendar, a mobile alarm and lots of people reminding me about appointments. I really am. But when your travelling, dates, days, times and details don’t take such a prevalence to things like where you are, what you’re experiencing, and where the closest coffee shop is. At the end of the day, I haven’t been all that great with dates over the past year, purely because I haven’t needed to be.

So when the sister and I woke up that final day at the exact same moment and looked at each other, I already knew what she was going to say. It had something to do with realising that her flight back to Sydney was that night, and not the following night as we had planned (well, planned is a very loose term, let’s use the word assumed instead).

We hightailed it back to Vancouver and just got her fed and packed, a taxi waiting outside, and then she was gone, and I was there eating a kebab with pepsi and biding my time until my flight the next morning. And that was it. I was going home.



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