One down one to go!!!
Monday, September 26th, 2005 Hello folks we have made it to Tokyo without a hitch. After an emotional time at the departure gate saying our goodbyes we chilled out with a starbucks. On the plane we met a nice ozzy, ate some sushi (sam too) and managed a couple of cheesey films and sleep before breakfast. Two hours after eating breakfast its 5:30 pm Tokyo local time so we were well confused. Its now 7pm and we are in a free internet cafe in what is the strangest airport in the world i am sure. The exchange counter give me a bigillion Yen for sixty quid, you have to take a supersonic shuttle to get anywhere, all the seats are like a settee and you can pay the chair to give you a massage. Its such a strange but intriguing place.
Well this was just a quick post before we go off and point and say wow at more things in the airport. Missing everyone already, love you all lots.
Craig and Sam x