Road Trip 5: Los Angeles, CA to Philadelphia, PA
Once again, I’ve been on the move. It was time at the end of August to move to Philadelphia to start a Ph.D. program. Baby (my Honda) still had less than 100,000 miles on it, so I decided to take it with me. My mom decided to come along as well, to make sure her baby got to Philly safely.
Some statistics for the trip:
Days on the Road: 7 plus one morning
Distance Driven: 3458mi (5533 km)
Gallons of Gas Purchased: 98.48
Total Cost of Gas for the Trip: $282.78
Average Cost of Gas: $2.85 per gallon
Full descriptions of each day of the trip can be found in subsequent entries. Pictures are on my Photobucket web site.
Tags: photos, road trip, Road Trip USA, Travel, U.S., USA
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