Machu Picchu Photo Link
Greetings from Lima. It’s been a pretty good week and a half so far. I have done a little bit of sightseeing in Lima, and been to the Sacred Valley , Machu Picchu, and Cusco. This afternoon (Monday) I am heading to conferences in Tacna (near Chile) and Puno (Lake Titicaca).
My friend Kitty has a new computer with DSL access, which means I can actually send trip reports and links to photo pages before I get back to California.
This edition of The Peru Pages is going to focus on Machu Picchu because it is so amazing it needs its own email. I’ll write about the other places either next Monday or after I get back to California.
For those who feel a picture is worth a thousand words, you can go to the photos page at:
Hope all is wel l in your corner of the world.
The Peru Pages are dedicated to the memory of Kathy Canham Ross.
Tags: machu picchu, Peru, pictures, Travel
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