Lima Introduction and Pictures
I’m sure by now you have all heard about the devastating earthquake in Peru. Some of my friends and family have already called or written to ask if I was there at the time, to ask if I was anywhere near the affected areas, or to express relief that I wasn’t there for that.
So let me say again that I got home over a week before the quake hit. I was never in Pisco or Ica, the two hardest hit towns. However, Pisco is the town where the national liquor, pisco, is made. Also, I had heard Pisco and Ica were lovely cities and worth visiting. They were on my list for places I’d like to see if I ever get to go back.
My friend Kitty left Peru for D.C. on the 9th, so she wasn’t there. Jodi left on the 10th and wasn’t directly affected either. I got an email confirmation from Marcela that she, Jorge (another embassy worker), and Elcina (Kitty’s maid) and their families are all well, as are their homes and offices in Lima. Of course, others were not so lucky.
If you have enjoyed these Peru Pages and have the means, you might consider making a donation to the Red Cross ( specifically for the Peru earthquake victims.
Here, then, are the pictures and journal entries for Lima and Miraflores, which is the nice neighborhood near Lima where Kitty lives.
The pics are found at:–Lima/
If you are joining the list late or can’t find the previous emails, you can read the stories and find links to pictures online at
I’ll try to get the pics and journal for the last piece, the Sacred Valley and Cuzco, before I leave this Friday (the day after tomorrow) for the drive to Philadelphia. Until then take care.
P.S. My friend Alison, who just got back from a month in China, told me that the correct pronunciation of the Chinese restaurant in Tacna is “Salon de Fu Ching”. “Fu Ching” means either “Happy Youth” or “Happiness Youth.”
Tags: Lima, Peru, pictures, Travel
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