BootsnAll Travel Network

Urgent Prayer Request

This entry will not be like the others.  I’m using the blog for a purpose other than to share my travels with you.  I’m writing this time to request prayer.

I learned from my brother early this morning that my sister has been admitted into the hospital.  The details are sketchy at this point, but she’s facing imminent surgery for what I understand involves an artery in her neck.  I don’t know the diagnosis or the prognosis, but it sounds serious.  Andrea is married and is the mother of three little girls.  Please pray for her health and full recovery and for the emotional and spiritual well-being of Andrea and her husband and daughters.  Much appreciated.  I’ll provide an update next time.

As for me, I’ll get into that next time, too.  But I’ve left Scandinavia after spending a short time in Helsinki.  I’m now in Eastern Europe.  More to come…


-14 responses to “Urgent Prayer Request”

  1. Patrick says:

    Your friends at the office are keeping you and your family in our thoughts and prayers.

  2. Dann and Phoebe says:

    Our prayers are with Andrea and her family. I have tried to send you a few emails during teh past few weeks but they have bounced back. nr

  3. Just read your message as I got back from Church service.
    Have prayed that Andrea is healed by HIS stripes. Have also prayed that Lord Jesus Christ gives all wisdom & discernment in handling the operation & the treatment of Andrea.
    Also pray that Peace that surpasseth understanding is upon Andreas husband & 3 daughters.

  4. karen says:

    your in my thoughts.enjoying your blog.

  5. Dup says:

    Spence, we are praying diligently for Andrea. Sam and Diane must be up North taking care of the girls. Please let us know how she is doing. Love to you, knowing that He is watching over you…

  6. Paul Vomund says:

    Spenser & Friends,

    I thought this may be the best way to get you an update and thank all your friends for the prayers! At this point I’m happy to say that they have been answered.

    Here’s a quick update on her condition. Good news is that she appears to be stable and probably past the scarry part of this experience. More good news that we were able to transfer to Stanford as they are much better equipped to help us through this and have experts in this area.

    Good: she has complete controll of everything fingers, toes, speech. Her memory is great and still reminds me about the kids schedule and not to mess it up.

    Bad: weak, double vision, loss of balance and feels like room is spinning and can’t walk due to vertigo.

    Doctors feel most of these will go away with time, how much time is still tbd.

    We don’t really have an exact date we expect to be home. Minimum 3-5 days or longer depending on what we see in the next few days.

    I’d try to completely explain the condition but I don’t have time and would probably just confuse you and myself even more. If you want to google it its called a “disected right vertebral artery”. This disection caused a small stroke.

    I can tell you that Andrea still has her sense of humor and keeps telling me that the worst thing about seeing double is that she already has a hard time dealing with one of me.

    Please keep updating your blog. We both enjoy reading it and look forward to many more great stories from your adventure around the world! My adventure is also just getting started but I think the outcome looks good!

    Paul and Andrea

  7. Billy D. says:

    Prayers are with you, bro!

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