Viacarious Travellers Wanted
Welcome to all who wish to travel with us on our 360 of the globe!
Contained in this site are excerpts of emails Annamarie and I have sent home detailing the events of our travels. I will be keeping a public journal designed at not only friends and family, but for those fortunate and brave enough to follow in our footsteps. Please don’t make the same mistakes as us…just your own.
I have included links to such things as reviews of hostels we have stomached, and links to our photos (clear a few hours for these as there are a few!). If you want to skip right to them just click on the country below, sign in or sign up to Kodak, and watch the slideshow (and my hair grow longer before your very eyes!).
Use the links on the right to see the most current posts or perhaps search under a category that interests you such as the archives by country name. Wether a relation, friend or member of the public, we hope you enjoy this blog site and ask that when reading an entry that you leave a quick comment at the bottom so we know all this work is not in vain and that people have taken the time to say hi.
All the best to you all,
Paddy Boy & Annamarie
Tags: Introduction, Travel
You’ve seen the rest—saved the best——for last
Fantastic! Never knew you were so descriptive Paddy haha! Can’t wait to hear all about it from you when you get back to sunny Britain!!