BootsnAll Travel Network

One Person’s Adventure is Another Person’s Lesson

I have now embarked on my around the world trip with my girlfriend Annamarie, and I’ve found it difficult keeping up with my emails. I have therefore decided to do what so many other travellers are doing (noticed by me while researching for this trip) and blog. For those of my selected contacts who are unfamiliar with a blog or have heard about them but don’t quite understand them, it’s similar to keeping my own website. I am able to access it and update it with email like posts and include pictures.

I will use it as a journal and likewise keep you updated on what I see and do. I will make mistakes during this trip and if any of you ever decide to travel to one of these destinations I hope after reading you may not make the same ones. If you prefer emails let me know and I’ll see what I can do to fit in both but I hope everyone enjoys reading them as much as I enjoy writing them.

Destinations: South Africa, Singapore, Malaysia, Vietnam, Austrailia, New Zealand, Fiji, Cook Islands, Tahiti, USA, and Canada.

Happy Reading,

Patrick Riddell

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-148 responses to “One Person’s Adventure is Another Person’s Lesson”

  1. Jan R says:

    hi Pat – will read all your comments with interest – enjoy the week to come.

  2. Raymondo says:

    Enjoyed your reviews and will avoid some of the hostels you mentioned. Nice to hear of the very good hostels as a good nights sleep certainly makes or breaks the trip.
    Keep up the good work

  3. Uncle Dave says:

    Well Paddy me boy, who would have thought my nephew was Gulliver in disguise? Well done. As I’ve always told you, I’m proud of you for taking this risk and for doing something before it’s too late. Oh, if I only had the courage and the risk taking ability you possess. Alas, sometimes you can’t get everything in the gene pool. Luckily you got the risk taking and I… well I must have got the looks…lol. Say hi to Annemarie…and be careful in those ‘hostel environments’…sorry couldn’t resist.

  4. Sean says:

    Paddy Boy,

    Glad to see you started a travel blog and thanks for sharing all those hostel reviews. Keep ’em coming both good and bad!

  5. Jess Riddell says:

    Hey paddy boy,

    Love the updates and will follow your adventures closely. Paul and I will live vicariously through you as we slog away with our projects (insert image unhappy face… I don’t have the technology so I will just narrate my present state of being with a low tech description). Will you go to Thailand? I hear they have lots of elephants! Keep on trucki’ my friend,

    Love Jess

    PS: Uncle D didn’t specifiy what “looks” he got! At least we all have a sense of humour in our shallow gene pool….

  6. Geoff says:

    Good idea Patrick! Where are all the posted photos? Or haven’t I figured out how to work this blog? I’ve been thinking about South Africa, so I am interested in what you and Annemarie think.
    Have fun.

  7. Chris says:


    How was my advice on the sunny delights of the country that time forgot (South Africa)
    I hope the tips and the places I told you to go were useful and all the crap you had with car serves you right for being tight.

    Keep Well,

  8. Scott says:

    Hi m8 just a quick hello from me i will leave the waffle to Sal Hope you have a great time

  9. Don & June says:

    Eh up Patrico & Annamarie,
    We’re loving the travelogues here in Liverpool, they’re keeping our minds off how bad Liverpool are playing at the moment!!. Careful in Singapore as June & I were robbed there. I was being measured for a suit when this old guy came in causing an almighty fuss – seems it was a distraction for one of his little helpers who duly helped himself to our bag with money & credit cards!! Our planned last night meal in Raffles hotel was therfore cancelled & we spent the money I had in my pocket on lager!! we had a great night!
    It’s still one of my favourite places though & the police were kindess itself – even writing to us when we got home. Have you not tried the Singapore Sling in the Long Bar at Raffles? A bit touristy but a “must do” in Singapore.

    Look forward to your next instalement
    Take it easy,
    Don & June

  10. Amy says:

    Hello intrepid travellers

    Glad to hear you are both well and enjoying your travels! It’s nice to read about what you’re up to whilst sat here in rainy cold and dark England – even though it makes me sick with envy! Sounds like you definitely did the right thing, bet you don’t miss the rat race one bit!

    I’ll read about Vietnam with interest as we’re off there next year – are you going to Cambodia or Laos?

    Take care both of you

  11. James says:

    Patrick I want a bar of rock, you GAY AMERICAN!!!!!!!!!!

    See ya soon


  12. Will says:

    Looks like a good time, Cakes….Not ‘little apartment in Barcelona’ good…but really, really close.

    good luck on the rest of the trip buddy.

  13. Gods Gift says:

    Now then you little Lepricorn. Glad to see you are having lots of fun galavanting round the world, whilst i’m here in sunny Wigan (God’s Country). Just take care the both of you and i look forward to seeing you both soon. Oh yeah if you come across any tribal dancers or anything SHOW THEM THE WORM!!!!!! ha ha take care and speak soon

    Luke :o)

  14. Ray says:

    Its fantastic reading through your blog. It really conjours up the sights and sounds of the trip for me, and will act as a diary for you, to read over and again in the future.


  15. Cat says:

    Love the website, hope your both enjoying sunnin yourself, think of us in rainy bolton!!!!!!!
    Love Cat and Andy

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