BootsnAll Travel Network

Horny Cats.

While I should be hitting the sack at this hour after waking up at 6am to walk in ‘Youth Park’ (which is, ironically, the assembly area for local elderly for their daily Tai chi), I’ve just read my friend Lindie’s blog and feel inspired to chronicle something this week.

My last entry was likely hormonally-fuelled, and I surprised even myself in re-reading it. My Malaysian colleague and friend Joowin came by tonight for a Malay ‘cooking lesson’ and she pointed out how fortunate I am now to be financially independent and without kids – so I suppose if I’m going to snuff myself out for the sake of the next generation, I’d better do it now in the echo of my chest beating, and before that very generation makes its entry.

I’ll put it on my ‘to do’ list.

Saturday I’m planning a housewarming party – slash – birthday party for my friends Lisa and Jeanine, the latter who is turning 30 and I’d imagine who would rather not have me post that publicly. When she starts looking it, I’ll keep it to myself! Lisa is also drinking from the same fountain of youth, and keeping them both as friends here has me peering at my evermore pronounced forehead lines with a critical eye. The Taiwan experience has been uncompromising on the skin and lungs.

The theme of the party is to ‘wear or bear something distracting’ and so I’m eager to see if a) that line was noticed and b) how creativity unfolds. It came to me during a ‘moment of brilliance’ (in the shower) last week and I’m anticipating huge cultural gaps in interpretation between the western and eastern clans.

20 minutes ago the horny cats in the alley below were having a masochistic session – after a collective, distinctive ‘yowl’ followed by a smashing bottle, I’d imagine them now to be splayed out in prone position, sharing a cigarette.

In the next life I hope to return as a randy, old cat.

Daydreamedly, Laura.


One response to “Horny Cats.”

  1. Alley Baggett Fotos

    I Googled for something completely different, but found your page…and have to say thanks. nice read.

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