Off to Kinsale…
In a few minutes, we’ll be headed to Kinsale, one of Ireland’s top wedding destinations and home to the Ultimate Job finals. We’ll be hitching a ride with another Top 10 couple – Lizzie and Ed (of guinea pig fame). If for some reason we don’t make it (eg, they decide to ‘off’ the competition or leave us at the roadside), please call the authorities. I think they drive a ‘classic’ Citroen- or at least that’s what they’ve told us.
We want to take this opportunity to acknowledge all of you who’ve tolerated our spam, voted for us, followed our blog and supported us on Facebook. This experience was so much fun in part because it gave us the opportunity to get closer to our friends and family, and meet people we otherwise wouldn’t have.
We’d also like to give a special shout-out to those of you who made getting us to the Ultimate Job finals your Ultimate Goal:
· Jonas (for helping us edit our application video and teaching us how to edit ourselves)
· Mel Cote (for her incredible and creative brain and shameless plugging of BREL) – and her son, 6-month old Baby Shane for having his naps interrupted for the Ultimate Job
· Kristel (for first dreaming up this idea and believing in BREL to make it happen)
· Mel’s Mom and Dad (for tireless campaigning for votes, commenting on blogs, getting the media on our side)
· Mel’s sister Nicole (for networking for votes, the ‘ash’ joke idea and countless other support and ideas along the way)
· Uncle Roly (for never wavering in his support of team BREL and bringing in hundreds of votes)
· Brendan’s dad (for giving Brendan the gift of a love of travel and spamming his friends even though he hates doing that)
· the Kinnears, the Piches, the Powells and all the other friends and families who gave the Ultimate Job their ultimate all
A huge “thank you” to those of you in Toronto helping keep our businesses and pets alive while we are in Ireland (and hopefully while we’re Ultimate Jobbing for 6 months): Matt, Kelly, Paul…
To all our media support: thank you! CTV television, CityTV, The Espanola Monitor, the Sudbury Star, MCTV, Newstalk 1010 radio, MooseFM, Boots ‘n All, MACO Destinations magazine, Traveller magazine, Inside Toronto community newspaper…
We’ll be blogging and Facebooking throughout the finals weekend, so stay tuned and think BREL!!!!
Tags: Travel