On Becoming Mediawhores
he media whirlwind since we started this journey has been shockingly swift and unquestionably fun. Here is a retrospective of our sudden rise to (very minor) fame, and the people who helped it happen.
It started with those who knew us best:
The online travel magazine PlanetEye Traveller did features on our bid for the Top 50 (and later, Top 10), even going so far as to do a retrospective “Best of the Global Nomad,” Brendan’s official title during his time writing and photographing for the site. Seriously, he even has the business cards to prove it! (See image below)
Next the luxury travel magazine Destinations hopped on board. After years of feature articles for the magazine, Destinations readers had gotten to know the couple through Brendan’s reviews: at one exclusive resort after another, Melanie was forced to submit herself to all manner of spa treatments for their edification.
Destinations magazine main site
The travel website BootsnAll showcased The BREL Chronicles as their featured RTW travel blog, as well as promoting our bid for the Ultimate job through their newsletter, regular twitter tweet, and on their site.
BootsnAll has also featured us on their tweets
Even the Maldives Traveller picked up on our bid…and gave us an unprompted plug:
Then things started to get interesting.
A major network film crew showed up at our house:
Our television debut! The interview has been repeated on at least 4 stations in at least 2 time zones, with multiple repeats per day
Mel’s hometown newspaper did a story on us, which was then picked up by much larger affiliates (and much larger pictures of us!)::
To see the paper version of the Star article (with a big picture of us!), click here.
The Star also ended up doing a follow up article on us while we were still only in the top 50.
And then came the radio interviews!
Moose FM (clearly a northern station) did a long interview with us:
And once we made the Top Ten, we ended up in the studio with Lynne Russell Show. Lynne is former CNN Headline News anchor, and they posted a link to our video on their site!
Fun to be in the studio, and they posted a link to our video! Audio clip also pending—they don’t post them on their site so we had to record it the old fashioned way.
A TV crew showed up at the pub for our webcast wait to see if we made the Top Ten, and we were interviewed by another paper just before we left for Ireland:
- Our Facebook group, Brendan + Mel for the Ultimate Job in Ireland!
- Press release submitted to all national & local media across Canada
picked up by at least two dozen outlets
- 2500 hits on the BREL Chronicles during first 10 days of the competition
Thanks to everyone who helped make it happen. We’ve enjoyed every step of the way!
Tags: Travel