98% DEET, 100% Amazon
Getting to La Selva Lodge (www.laselvajunglelodge.com) isn´t easy: the journey begins with a flight from Quito, followed by a 2.5 hour ride in a motorized dug-out canoe along the Napo River, a 30 minute hike through the dense Amazon rainforest, and finally, a paddled canoe ride across a lagoon.
Just a few hours into our stay, we knew it had all been worthwhile. We´d already spotted 4 kinds of monkeys, seen a toe-toed sloth up close, and added the hoatzin to our birding life lists-a proud feat by any birder´s standards.
While neither of us were thrilled with the 5:30 am wake-up calls, the early morning nature viewing and night paddles were incredible: 57 new birds identified including 6 owls (Mel has been trying to see owls for 5 months now); 7 types of new monkey species; tarantulas, frogs, mariposas, lizards…..
We´ve clearly made significant progress on Operation Bird Discovery, Phase 3, and predict this may be our most successful venture yet.
Our lodge, an “upmarket rainforest eco-resort” felt like home – that is, if home was a groovy palapa and bamboo hut set amidst the wild and unpredictable Amazon rainforest.
Note to Mel´s parents: You´ll be pleased to know that Brendan made me wear a lifejacket all the time. But I´m pretty sure the piranha would have got me first. And no, I didn´t get malaria.
Tags: Ecuador, Travel