Free Case of Wine to a Chronicles Reader…
No, that wasn´t just to get your attention.
We are spending the next month in wine country – Bariloche, the Maipo Valley and Mendoza. So as you can imagine, we don´t want our love affair with Argentinian wines to end.
We know we can´t just ship wine to Canada, because our wonderful country and it´s wonderful liquor control laws won´t allow it. The question is…if we ship it, what´s the worse that can happen? How much duty-taxes-penalties might we have to pay? There will be 3-4 weeks between the time we would ship it and the time we return to Canada.
One case of Malbec to the first reader to solve our dilemma…and our life-long gratitude…or gratitude for at least as long as the wine lasts.
Tags: Argentina, Travel
April 28th, 2008 at 9:38 pm
You can ship it – just have to pay duty as you would if you carried it across. If you clearly state the cost of the wine – and pack it properly – most vineyards have styrofoam tubes to ensure proper packing you can ship it home – caution – cost $250 from Chile to toronto for a case that my friend shipped on my last trio there- or do what I did and leave it at the hotel in that cool luggage leaving room until it’s time to go then – again – make sure it’s properly packed, stick it in the belly of the plane. check the wine as luggage – save the receipts for it ( or it’s cheap friends) and voila! one case of wine in canada.
do i win?
April 29th, 2008 at 2:35 pm
I am sending you guys an e-mail from the helpful people at the LCBO (in case you want to do this legally). GargaMel is right about taking it with you. The provincial border levy on wine goes from 40% for accompanied wine to 105% for unaccompanied wine.
PS If I win – I will give half to GargaMel for being so fast