Thanks to recent Brel supporters and friends
Although this blog had started primarily as a way to chronicle our trip, stay in touch with our friends and family, and keep Mel occupied when Brendan was doing work, it has grown a life and following of its own. We’ve received support from friends and strangers alike and wanted to say thanks and acknowledge some of the friendly feedback we’ve gotten.
Blog Stats:
Total hits: 7634
and 1302 unique users since January
Recent links and friends:
Some nice folks at PC2Paper (“All About Travelling, Keeping in Touch, Penpals, and Sending Letters”) decided that our humble BC was worthy of their Travel Blog of the Week
Flip Flop Flyin’
We met Craig in San Salvador Airport. For an amusing if slightly twisted view of his own travels though Latin America, check out his blog.
Lost In Translation
Want a taste of what it’s like to be a gaijin? Brendan’s old buddy Pat from his days living in Tokyo has a fun blog with regular tidbits of life in that craziest of places—Japan. Pat even went so far as to marry a Japanese pop star this year… and is now a proud new daddy!
Tags: Travel
April 6th, 2008 at 7:55 pm
Thanks for the shout out…I’m still enjoying living vicariously through your travels!