BootsnAll Travel Network

Dinosaurs Found on Gili Trawangan!!!

Of course my favorite island would have to have more than 1 entry for 2 weeks. I liked the island so much, I decided to spend my birthday on it partying at Rudy’s Pub. Jacko kept offering to send me to the moon for free, “no transport needed” with his infamous bloody fresh mushroom shakes on my birthday. But after a week and a half of partying, I was pretty wiped out by the time my bday came around, so I just had a load of beers and some whiskey with a few friends on the island. Jacko wouldn’t even let me pay for my beers that night. In the backpacker world mostly populated by 18-25 year olds, anyone over 30 is a rarity and really just a curiosity to the people wandering around the world on or around the backpacker trail. So celebrating your 38th birthday is quite a bit more than just a mere curiosity. Most people don’t even believe me when they ask me how old I am. Some are a bit freaked out because I’m literally 2x their age. Fortunately, for me, I can still sorta blend in because most people think I look about 27-28. It’s a little difficult to grasp the fact that many of the people i meet travelling were born when I was in high school or after I graduated… and thats how old they are now.

On a side note… It’s a little annoying, but my 3 taboo questions that I never ask anyone is: Where are you from?, What do you do? and How old are you?. Unfortunately, it’s usually the first 3 questions most people ask you when they meet you. I’ve been trying to make a concerted effort to change people trying to pidgeon hole others into a stereotype so they can categorize you and fit you into their ideas of who you are without actually talking to you. (I’ll go more into that on the predominantly Muslim Tioman Island) It’s much more interesting to try and figure out for yourself who they are by talking to people you meet (…and then pidgeoning them into your stereotypes). LOL OK, off my soapbox.

The strange thing about Gili Trawangan at the time I was there was the “large” concentration of Dinosaurs wandering around the island, myself inclusive. Dinosaurs From talking to Jamie, we found out that he was on my other favorite island in Thailand, Koh Phanghan, 13 years ago when I was there. Small world, eh?


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