BootsnAll Travel Network

2 worlds, side by side


Just got to Argentina yesterday and wow!! You cross a border and it´s not just the time that changes. I feel like i´ve jumped a few decades. Coming from a country where teeth are a fashion statement to a country where not only do they have supermarkets, with a whole toothpaste aisle even, but if I wanted to, I could probably buy nail polish to match my backpack. Culture shock or what?! You can get things here. It´s like being in North America, only people are speaking a different language. There´s something to be said about countries that have more than one kind of cheese and it doesn´t all come from goats. And the wine is still less than a dollar a litre. Best of all worlds here.  South America kicks ass! 



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0 responses to “2 worlds, side by side”

  1. Graeme Sykes says:

    Hurray for Sue! She’s living the dream and loving it. Even puking in a flower pot has an aura of adventure. Very jealous that you’re cruising so many cool places. The natural beauty of South America probably surpasses most everywhere. But what’s the weather like? It’s pissing rain in England, but that’s to be expected. While you’re in Argentina you should check out a cattle ranch. The last ‘real’ cowboys are said to roam the open plains of Argentina. Maybe you can make a friend in leather chaps…

    Keep up the good work! Mucho denaro propena cervasa (sorry, limited spanish)

  2. Julie Hebb says:

    WOO HOO, you sound like you are having a blast! I can’t believe all the crazy things you are doing! Thank you for your congrats, and YES, I am glad to be finished school. I wish I was there with you, especially to share our birthdays. But, sadly we will have to spend them apart. But I will be thinking about you and blowing out a candle for you!
    Take care, talk to you soon.


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