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Big huge massive monastery

Thursday, November 15th, 2007

Okay, the reason I wanted to go to Puli was because I had watched this Globetrekker episode on Taiwan and it showed this massive monastery on it.  John, who watched it too, thought I was on drugs – he doesn’t remember it at all.  So, maybe it was on their or not, but anyway, I still wanted to go there.

It’s like a 45 minute bus-ride to Puli.  We were expecting this small town.  Nope, big town.  I swear, this Rough Guide guidebook is crazy – it makes almost every town look tiny and they end up being kind of big.  As usual, we had no accomodations, but after a couple of tries, ended up at this kind of diveish place – but it was convenient.  Fortunately, the room we originally started with had air problems so we got switched to a nicer room.

Anyway, there was no way to get to Chung Tai Chan Monastery on mass transit which we could find so we grabbed a taxi – while we were going we saw this massive buddha on the side of the mountain.  I mean, it looked massive from the road and we were very far away.  But alas, when you get into a taxi going somewhere and you don’t really speak Chinese, detours aren’t really allowed.  So we went to the monastery.  It was totally amazing. 

First off, it was huge.  I mean, massive.  Then there were all the different Buddhas.  I mean life-sized statues of hundreds of Buddhas (all with offering plates in front of them!!!).  And these huge guardians in front of the main temple.  I mean massive – like 2 stories high.  We are talking some SERIOUS cash flowing into this place.  We were kicking ourselves afterward for not faxing them to get a tour – apparently there are more interesting floors if you make an appointment a week in advance.  NEXT TIME!

And across the street was this park that had thousands of these little miniature buddhas.  And with it’s own cleaning crew.  We were so impressed with this place. 

Amazingly enough – John was able to call the cab driver that took us to the monastery (he gave us his card) – which was kind of impressive considering the guy spoke just slightly more English than we spoke Chinese (we know: hello, thank you, black tea) – anyway, he came to pick us up and dropped us off  in town.  Besides the monastery – there’s not  too much interesting about Puli – so we decided the next day to  go back to Taipei  by bus.

Sun Moon Lake

Thursday, November 15th, 2007

This lake was totally cool.  Of course, we went there like a million years ago it seems since I haven’t friggin’ updated this blog in like 20 thousand years but from what I remember, it was totally cool.

We stayed at this place called Sun Moon Lake Guesthouse.  Which was kind of funny considering there was no sign for this guesthouse when we got off the bus.  We had gotten the name of this guesthouse from the visitor information center in Taichung – the woman working there was totally cool and totally were helpful.  Anyway, we just kept asking different people where it was and was directed to this restaurant on the bottom with a guesthouse on top.  The room was really nice except for the fact that they were doing construction next door but that stopped at 5 pm.

Anyway, the super-nice guy that either owned the place or ran the place totally went out of his way to help us out and when we said we wanted to rent a scooter he walked us over to this scooter shop and we were able to rent a scooter for a reasonable rate (it went from 750 ND to 500 ND) in about 2 1/2 seconds for a day.  And the lady that ran the scooter shop spoke really good English and told us that if we ever had kids that they would be really cute because they would be multi-racial.  It cracks me up when people talk about stuff like that.  I mean, hello, kind of personal.  But personal in Asia and personal in the US are kind of different.

Rambling aside, we hopped on the scooter, grabbed a quick bagel sandwich (yes, I said bagel – and really good too!  can you say yum!).  Then we bopped around the lake to see all the tourist attractions.  Kick ass temples, flamingo zoos, defunct butterfly sanctuaries (which was really, really sad).  But I have to say, I like scooters, but I really am not the biggest fan of going around screeching corners – and highways (where you’re not really supposed to drive scooters) – don’t really like them.  Oh, and the lake was amazingly gorgeous.  I mean, the most beautiful blue.  We didn’t want to leave.

But alas, it was Friday and the prices of hotels jack up and us, being on a budget, really couldn’t afford that.  Plus, we had other things to see on this beautiful island…next stop…Puli.

Moving up the coast

Friday, November 9th, 2007
So we've been pretty much going around the lake clockwise. So, logically, we, after we sat at Lotus Lake for wayyyyy too long trying to figure out where the heck we were going next (well, at least it was ... [Continue reading this entry]

Kaohsiung & cool lake

Wednesday, November 7th, 2007
Hello Sunshines! After embarking on a train journey of 3 hours that revolved around either standing up or sitting on the floor, we left Damien after 2 hours as he was to head south to his next destination and we headed north to Kaohsiung.  We ... [Continue reading this entry]

Green (Lyudao) Island

Friday, November 2nd, 2007
Ahhhh, Green Island...we loved Green Island.  So relaxing, peaceful...except for, yes, the WAY to Green Island. Ferry.  In the ocean.  In the rocky ocean.  Cindy.  Not so good with seasickness.  But I didn't puke!  Either way!  Woohoo!! Actually, Damien taught me a ... [Continue reading this entry]

Hualien > Taitung

Friday, October 26th, 2007
There were bikes for rent at the Hero Hotel (pink ones!), so we decided to go for a bike ride before heading out to Taitung - the gateway to the Green Island.  We biked along this really super-well-developed bike trail ... [Continue reading this entry]

Hualien…enter the Frenchman…

Friday, October 26th, 2007
So at the train station when we were waiting for the train we saw this other westerner (it's usually pretty easy to pick people out that are westerners - big backpack and caucasian) the foreshadowing? Anyway, the train was super nice - ... [Continue reading this entry]

Taipei – refreshing city…

Friday, October 26th, 2007
So it's like mid-October.  Time for the baseball playoffs!  Fortunately, we're in a baseball-friendly country; unfortunately it's 12 hours ahead of the east coast.  So hopefully we'll (okay, it's more like I'll, since John thinks baseball is boring - WHATEVER!!!), ... [Continue reading this entry]

Hong Kong phooey…

Friday, October 26th, 2007
Back to the first world. And in a big way. Wow. We found a cheap guesthouse - and $30/night is SUPER CHEAP in Hong Kong.  Smallest room ever, but with all the comforts of home - TV, bed, shared bathroom - ... [Continue reading this entry]

Nepal, final days…

Tuesday, October 16th, 2007
So after Jomson we pretty much booked it down the trail and decided to do the easy route through Beni. Unfortunately that also consisted of going through some really hairy landslides (I don't think I've ever talked to myself ... [Continue reading this entry]