Welcome to the Internet Mom!
March 18th, 2007So John leaves tomorrow for Camden, South Carolina to see his mom. I’ll be following in a couple of weeks to spend a few days there, then we bop down by Amtrak to see my brother in Jacksonville, and then we rent a car and drive it DC where we will spend a few days and then leave from there to Johannesburg, SA! Woohoo!
So anyway, we bought her a computer so she could follow our blog and e-mail us and look at porn (yes, John made me put that :)) – John’s mom has never owned a computer, never played around with a computer and would have been happy to exist without a computer – but we had to go and mess up all her plans of living life without another piece of electronic equipment cluttering her house by going on “the big trip”.
Which is one of the reasons why John is going to Camden 2 weeks early. I’m waiting for the stories on both sides of his frustrations with teaching him mom how to run a computer and his mom wondering “why the heck do you have to do that?”. Oh and he’s going to eat everything in sight. He has been making plans for months to eat every type of southern food he’s been missing since he moved to Seattle. It’s like he has been starving himself or something.
So one almost down, one to go! I have 2 more weeks of work (giving notice tomorrow – oh my gosh – freaking out)…