BootsnAll Travel Network

Somone- on the coast

This is the life. After returning to Dakar from Thies, we travelled south to the Petit Cote (little coast on the Atlantic Ocean) where the vacation resorts are. Somone is a small town where the fields and farms of the paysans (farmers) are being sold off by the younger generation like hot cakes. Europeans and some Senegalese are buying land and building on the coast like crazy. It is nice and quiet here. I fell in love with this villa on the Atlantic coast.

In additon to private homes and villas on the coast, there is an area ‘downtown’ with shops, restaurants and hotels. LAst night there was an extravaganza at the small hotel where we stayed , the Cigalons. There was a Diola Dance Troupe. It was very nice, but again trouble with blackout at the Cybercafe so I was unable to resize and send the photos.
Diola dancers


0 responses to “Somone- on the coast”

  1. Amie Carrie says:

    Linda – beautiful photos, makes me want to go back to Senegal for a visit. Thanks for doing the website!

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