I actually came to Senegal for some rest. Mais ce n’est pas possible (but that is not possible). Too many things to do and friends to look up. I visited the Diagne’s, the Seck’s, the hospital where I worked, Peace Corps training Center, the Diop’s and the Sall’s. All in 2 days! We were all so glad to see each other. Jaqcues was surprised to find that so many people know me in Thies.
(from right, Adja, Bolo and Adja’s little ones)
The infastructure in Thies has improved. I hear that the Prime Minister was from Thies and he has made a lot of physical improvements in this town. The main drag looks like the Champs Elysee in Paris. Thies even has a brand new hotel called l’Hotel Lat Dior! Also, a new World Trade Center on the Place d’Independance.
The main streets are now paved without holes. I was also told that Senegal has begun work on a new airport larger than the existing one. It will be located near the Petit Cote where the tourists are. I’m impressed. We return to Dakar for a day and then on to Somone on the Petit Cote.
Everything slows down from noon to 3pm each day. That’s why I like this place!
Ciao! and a tout a l’heure!
Tags: Travel
Linda! This blog is wonderful, very well done! I have great memories of Thies and our time there. Would love to see the changes you describe. Bobbie
I’m glad you like the travel blog. It’s nice to see that improvements are actually being made in Thies, even a new college. I’m glad I chose November to travel. The weather for the entire trip has been gorgeous.
Very pretty place.
Glad to see you signed on. Of course, all is not perfect in Senegal, but I was happy to see the improvements. And just to let you know, your books are in the mail. Should be there around next Friday.