Tokyo International Airport
“Your connecting flight has been delayed” these words reverberated through my head as I walked towards my gate. So much for a quick two hour layover. Having heard these fatal words before, I knew the delay could be anywhere from twenty minutes to three or more hours. On top of that, all I had for money was travelers checks which were completely useless in this airport. All of the drink and snack machines required Yen for purchases. Luckily for me, there were fountains with drinkable water.
After quenching my thirst, I decided to stretch my legs by walking the length of the concourse. It felt good to walk about unincumbered and get the blood flowing freely once more. As I walked, I spotted a large TV near the end of the concourse. This would be a great way to pass time I thought. Being deprived of news for almost twenty-four hours, I figured even news in Japanese was better than no news at all. To my amazement, CNN International was on and in English no less.
As I eagerly caught up on the news that had passed me by, another announcement rang out ” China Eastern 522 to Shanghai will be boarding in thirty minutes”, I was amazed. The delay had only lasted forty-five minutes. I gathered my carry-on luggage and headed back. Upon arriving at my gate I realized the number of waiting passengers had more than tripled since I left. Unsure of the size of the plane I would be on, I feared we would be packed like sardines in a can. But after the multi-hour trek across the Pacific I felt I could do the two hour flight to Shanghai standing on my head. As I sat waiting for the boarding call, I began to observe my fellow passengers. This time I was the only forienger in the group and had began to attract some very curious stares. I thought this was very humorous.
Most of the other passengers chatted amongst themselves, a few played an unfamiliar card game and one lightly strummed on his guitar. They seemed to be a very diverse lot, a few businessmen, students of varying ages and what appeared to be quite a few families traveling back home. By now there was only ten minutes until the new boarding time, but no plane was in sight. Then I heard the familiar chime alerting me of a new announcement. Once again a familiar anxiousness started to creep over me. I had a feeling they relay to us that there would be another delay. However, the China Eastern jet came rolling up just as the speaker was finishing the Mandarin portion of announcement. Then came the English translation, “China Eastern flight 522 will be boarding in five minutes”.
Tags: Travel