why are they singing odes to pressed meat?
Yeah – not much new to report. Wandering around the city. Finished Light Thickens by Ngaio Marsh (I enjoyed it, because the bulk of the book was about rehearsing a play – the murder was a total afterthought), and now I’m reading the 6th Cadfael (I couldn’t find #5). Yeah – that’s really it. I couldn’t get through to payroll today, so that’s tomorrow’s task.
I am having fun re-watching this. Are they going to show the Christmas special in America?
The new Dark Knight trailer. Heath Ledger looks sociopathic and Christian Bale looks gorgeous. I’m excited.
EW has a Milo Ventimiglia featurette with his directorial ae video. Heroes was on last night – but it was 209, which was the last one I’d already seen. I want to see the end two!!
EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!: Must Watch: Snow Angels Trailer with Kate Beckinsale. Ohmygodohmygodohmygod. release? distribution? Merry Christmas to me!!
From Cleolinda;
This is a holiday snowglobe, and you are an angry god.
TIME Magazine’s Top Ten of 2007.
First HBP still; JK Rowling Interviewed on The Leaky Cauldron’s Podcast; Newsweek Names “Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows” Best Book of the Year; Twilight fans up in arms that Cedric Diggory is not hot enough to play their sparkly emo vampire. 1) No, literally sparkly. 2) WHAT? [Ed; hahahaha]
Ten Minutes of ‘Extras’ Series Finale Online.
Lost Moving Timeslots?; Lost Finds Thursdays In January.
Smith’s ‘Legend’ grows with $76.5M debut; Box Office Report: ”I Am Legend” sets record.
Amazon.com Buys Beedle the Bard for $3.98 Million; Amazon Posts First Review of Beedle the Bard Tales by JK Rowling; Amazon Posts Second Synopsis from “Tales of Beedle the Bard”; “The Warlock’s Hairy Heart” Review Online from “Beedle the Bard”; Behold the Tale of Babbity Rabbity!
Tags: Travel
More like a chorus than an ode… thanks for the Cleolinda card. I’ve always wanted to be God. Ross and I found a “snow” globe filled with water, a hat and some pieces of “coal”. The snowman had melted!
I sent clothes with Ross, who was kind enough to make room in his suitcase. I couldn’t figure out what you’d want, so I sent a dress, a skirt, 2 pairs of jeans, and several tops.
I think it’s a quote from Terry Gilliam.
Yay for clothes! Thank you!