The Great Barrier Reef – Cairns- La Gran Barrera de Coral
The Great Barrier Reef
We finally got to visit another of the 7 Natural Wonders of the World – The Great Barrier Reef is approx 2,000km long,stretching all along the eastern coast of Queensland. We went on a dive trip with Pro-Dive, 11 dives in 3 days, including 2 night dives – a first for both of us!!!
A Butterfly Fish / Un Pez Mariposa
The night before the trip we went to a Reef Teach class, recommended by the dive company, it was a blast! The class run by Paddy Colwell, a whacky Irish marine biologist (reminded us of Tommy Tiernan!), was very informative and great fun learning all about the reef, the coral and the fish and other animals that live out there. Here’s his website:
A harmless jellyfish / Una medusa
Others such as the Blue Bottle and Box Jellyfish are very toxic and some Box-Jellyfish have been known to kill their victims… many beaches in Northern Queensland are closed during the summer months (Nov-Mar).
There are more than 1,500 species of fish and many types of coral out there in the reef, so don’t expect us to get them all right!
Fish and coral / Coral con una pez
It’s amazing down under in the reef surrounded by beautifully coloured coral, and the fish, all the colours of the rainbow, it was wierd how some of the braver ones would come up and check us out, they probably have lots of differnt types of names for humans too!!!
We saw huge green turtles chewing away at the coral at the bottom, Nemo, in his anemone house, rays, stingrays too, we kept our distance, as with the sharks too, we saw a few white tip reef sharks, apparently harmless, but who wants to get too close to a shark, even if they “only” measure 2 metres, and despite the fact that they’re probably 10 times more scared of us than twe are of them!
James swimming past a shark / James nadando encima de un tuburon
The night dive was cool too, a bit daunting at first, even with the torches, you can’t see a lot except for big dark shadows of the coral, so you tend to scan it with your torch looking closely for signs of life. Lots of fish sleep, but many others come out at night, such as shrimps, a huge lobster we saw who just kept looking straight at us, and didn’t even budge when we got close!
Green Turtle / Tortuga Verde
Clownfish / Pez Paiaso
Español – La Gran Barrera de Coral
Por fin hemos podido visitar una de las 7 Maravillas del Mundo Natural, la gran Barrera de Coral mide mas de 2000 Kms, y esta en el estado de Queensland, el barco salia desde Cairns nos decidimos por Prodive, parecian mas profesionales y eran 11 buceos , 2 de ellos por la noche!!!!
La noche anterior nos dieron una clase de corales y pacecillos, el profe irlandes, biologo y un comico , aparte de enseñarnos lo que ibamos a ver (cual es el punto de ver muchos peces, si no sabes como se llaman), nos lo pasamos genial de la forma que lo explicaba a quien conozca a Tommy Tiernan o Billy Conelly sabra lo que nos reimos..
The divers come up for air! / Los Buceadores suben par un poco de aire!
Hay mas de 1500 peces y corales asi que no espereis que lo sepamos los nombres de todos..
Como podemos describir estar ahi abajo rodeado de tanta maravilla y tantos colores.. algunos pececillos atrevidos se acercaban a nosotros, seguro que nos tienen clasificados igual que nosotros a ellos ..jajaja!!
Vimos tortugas gigantes comiendo corales al fondo, vimos a “Nemo” en su casita de anemonas, peces de mil colores y tamaños …. rayas y por supuesto vimos tiburones.. pero estos no comen gente (miden solo 2 m..!!) y casi nos tienen mas miedo a nosotros , que nosotros a ellos..
Dive Buddies on the reef / Pareja de Buceadores en el coral
Pero cuando estuvimos buceando por la noche con linternas fue realmente especial, la mayoria de los pececillos de fue a dormir, pareciamos estar en el espacio, se veia mucho mas de lo que uno se pueda imaginar desde la superficie, los que se quedaron en el barco nos dijeron que se veian grupos de luces debajo del agua.. el primer dia ibamos todos tan juntos que nos ibamos comiendo las aletas del de delante,
A Trumpetfish / Un pez trompeta
El 2 dia nos relajamos un poco mas….Hasta que vimos un tiburon en el fondo (durmiendo) , a pesar que de que sabiamos que no atacaban.. hubo uno de esos momentos comicos en el que cuando el tiburon desaparecio (a dormir a otro lado) ..todo el mundo empezo a buscarle enchufando la linterna hacia todos los lados, parecia una discoteca.. !!
En el barco habia mas de 32 personas, comimos genial , fue mas o menos : bucear -comer- bucear- comer -bucear – comer – dormir – bucear…etc
Uno de los dias nada mas despertarnos a las 6:30 de la mañana!!!! fuimos a bucear .. era como estar en un sueño , la forma mas increible de despertar los sentidos.
More Coral! / Mas coral!
Ya entendemos por que dicen que los submarinistas son mas felices que el resto de la gente.. no es por el “Nitrogen Narcosis..” es la sensacion de ‘volar’ en el agua, de moverte para donde quieras, de ver tantos peces tan cerca y ser parte de un mundo bajo el agua .. es como estar en la pelicula Nemo… y sentirte pez por 30 minutos.
Where are all the fish gone? / Donde se han ido todos los peces?
Adios to everyone from the Great Barrier Reef.
James & Quene
Nice one guys, looks brill, really jealous right now, I wish I was on holiday. There is a nightclub called the woolshed in Cairns you should head to for valentines night, you will definatley pull!! 🙂
oh richie the woolshed is definately your style alright
tia, estás guapísima bajo el agua, me encanta, eres una sirena total !!!
Quene Queen Queen Quene Quene…
: )
Loveeee !
Hi guys, glad you are having a good time. Where did you do your dives from and don’t say a boat!? I hope you got to visit Port Douglas. See you back in Sydney soon.
Quene, think the airport photo the class was referring to was the one you took when Janis went home and the “frightened boy” was Jack, he was clinging to my leg, I noticed it too. He was just wanted his McDonalds and didn’t want to pose for another photo! Can’t wait to catch up when you get back to Sydney but I won’t be staying up till 6am!!
Joder…. sacaditos de una peli de fantasia…. que precioso man…. yo no se si estaria dispuesta a nadar ahi sabiendo que hay timidos_tiburones_de_solo_2_metros… pero supongo que si lo pruebas ya no puedes decir que no…. la sensacion debe ser realmente especial….
Hey… gracias mil, acabo de recibir vuestra postal del Uluru… he alucinado con el hecho de que Inma tenga un significado que no sea el que proviene de Inmaculada… y a tantos kilometros… joder, igual si voy me tratan como a una especie de espiritu sagrado o algo asi por llevar este nombre jajjajjajajjaj
Hace 2 dias que volvi de mi viaje por Dublin, Barna y Madrid… Dublin como siempre.. me senti como en casa…… alucine con Barcelona y si no fuese por lo lejillos que me pilla de mi Andalucia guapa me iba a estudiar alli…. pero en su defecto me quedo en Madrid que no me parece tan mala opcion en este momento :)) Calenco, te enviare un email cuando este por alli pa que caiga un cafelazo, cervecita o lo que se tercie!!!
Ahora estoy intentando descansar y ultimar los preparativos de mi mudanza que tiene que estar ready pa principios de Marzo!!
Bueno nenes…. que sepais que sigo disfrutando mogollon con este viaje compartido… para mi es como leer un libro de aventuras alrededor del mundo….. es simplemente genial… un placer
cuidaos mucho… gracias por compartirlo 😉
hooola guapos!!!
Que pasada el fondo del mar ;o) cuidain con los tiburones…
le voy a pasar la pagina a mi hermana la buceadora, lo va a flipar, a ver si se anima y nos vamos las dos mmmhhh…
un besazo!!!
GLad you’re jealous, well that is the whole point of the website, hahaha! We didn’t bother with the Woolshed, except for the free meal! We hit a place called Rattle & Hum, deadly toilets, the urinal is a glass one way mirror so you can pee to your hearts content while checkin out the talent, you should check it out! Also the Chapel was a cool spot, both on the Esplanade. Hey, exactly 1 month to go to Paddy’s Day – U2 in Auckland!!!!!
agree with ya there, I can see Richie there til 5:00am every night and still not having any luck! We’ve done over 1100km already in our new home “Hi-Top Tessy” and where just in Airlie Beach, checking out the Whitsundays tomorrow, finally a bit of sunshine, those damn Wet Tropics… Plan is for Brissie/Surfers next weekend if you’re feeling like a bit of a break come join us, even got a spare bed in ‘Tessy’!
Hey Nadine,
just to let you know, you gotta change the name when you write your comment, otherwise it either shows up as us or anonymous! Our dives were on Flynn Reef and another colse by one, can’t remember the name, must check our dive logbooks 😉 We stayed in Port Douglas one night, that was nice, we headed up to Cape Tribulation too, just a pity we got lots of rain, well what can you do in the Wet Tropics…???? Will work on that next post soon, promise! Not many good pics though!
We saw Rabit Proof Fence on the plane from Sydney to Darwin, a real shocker, what the hell were they thinking???? Poor Quene was in tears, and I wasn’t too far from it either! Deffinitely recommend it to everyone!
Japy birzzzday ….!!! Beliz Fumfleaños desde el tropico … espero que esta noche vayas a celebrar tus …3~ cumpleaños ..
Happy birthday tu yu.. japy birthday tu yu… te llamo esta noche, antes de que estes pedo..
Pues nosotros llevamos ya 1000 Kms en la caravana , os enseñaremos las fotos pronto..
Nos turnamos para conducir y las carreteras son las mas rectas y largas que hemos visto en nuestra vida… el paisaje precioso..
La mitad de la poblacion de mosquitos en Australia me ha picado, y es que no hay nada como tener sangre española fresquita …el celestoderm a este ritmo se me va a acabar prontito.. y no veas la de bichitos estamos viendo ..que no sabemos ni como se llaman, ni a que familia pertenecen ..
A me alegro que te gustara lo del nombre , la verdad es que esta gente es bastante especial.. es la unica civilizacion que tiene 40.000 años y a pesar de los europeos lo puede seguir contando.. a ver si podeis ver la peli ” Rabbit Proof Fence” es bastante interesante .. yo no sabia la historia de los aborigenes y lo que han tenido que pasar los ultimos 200 años hasta que vine aqui..pero por eso precisamente estamos viajando , para conocer los paises desde dentro…. y cada vez que pagamos tenemos que ver la cara de la reina de Inglaterra …agggh.. :/
Que rapido que haya llegado la postal ya..!
Teneis que venir .. merece la pena ver tantos pececillos de colores .. y los tiburones, estos nos tienen miedo ,.. ( menos mal) , pero hay otros pececillos que no parecen peligrosos , pero si te acercas al ‘nido’ si que te pueden morder.. y otros como los Eels ( no se en español) que son feos, grandes y parecen que te van a comer con patatas.. hicimos una foto pero salia desenfocada (no es facil hacer fotos debajo del agua)
Lo que mola es ver mil pececillos jugueteando , en su ambiente , parece una ciudad, como ya dije es como la peli Nemo o la de Shark tale..
Bueno besos a tod@s.. vamos a ver ahora si podemos ir a una isla paradisiaca de estas, y en un par de dias os lo podemos enseñar..
Kisses to all, see yas soon!!
Hi All,
Still in Airlie beach , as it was expected (otherwise will be not aventure) the campervan broke down:
As we came back from the Whitsunday islands on the parking we notice the fan belt was very noisy but we continued… as the sound stopped all the water and battery lights flashed, we stopped, we called the RACQ to see if they could help us, we filled the tank with water and start it again, after 100 m the temperature rised so we stopped again, lucky enough us there was a mechanic available in Airlie beach and we were just 5 Kms outside Airlie Beach…
He checked the engine and found the belt that cools down the water and recharges the battery completely broke (and we thought for a campervan that is going to do 3000 Kms they should check these things a little bit better).
The good news was he could fix it, the bad news was not until Monday (it was Saturday evening!) we couldn’t drive , we have to stay two nights in Airlie beach as the next day was Sunday, delay the trip and try to contact the owner, being SUnday we can’t reach him (probably busy playing golf).
The pickup truck came and the guy told us he couldn’t take us in the truck and told us to call a taxi…we thought, stay out in the dark waiting for a taxi, oh no, no, so we begged him and he said OK, very reluctantly, going on about insurance etc…
We automatically thought of the film ‘Wolf Creek’ , James told him no way and the man got very serious, Quene was feeling her pulse acelerating just thinking of all the mosquitos and bugs, the dark and the waiting in the middle of nowhere… and the headlines in the newspapers in few days time.. when it gets too adventurous it’s not funny any more. On the way to town he was laughing, telling us about these stories of the people he had to leave on the road and their faces ( it was very funny for him .. but not for us… and we were thinking : ” Did they ever found them afterwards..? 30.000 people go missing every year ….” mmmmm
Anyway here we have a little story to tell our grandchildren.
So still in Airlie Beach enjoying the one street town and the sun ..
Will we make it to Sydney on time??
Adventures on the road to be continued…… 😉