Southern India – Karnataka

Hi again.

We’re in Mysore (my sore what? some of you will titter!!!) About 130km southwest of Bangalore.

We flew down to Bangalore (state capital of Karnataka) last Thursday, we stayed a couple of days there, we visited some ex-work colleagues in Accenture,

We got a bus to Mysore, a super deluxe high luxury bus as they describe it! only 160Rs = 3 euros . And it’s probably been the most comfortable bus we’v ever been on, plenty of leg room, and that’s a lot for us two giants!!! the 3 hour trip was on a failry nice straight stretch of road, dual carriageway most of the way, with a few spots in between where they’re working on the opposite side, these parts were the scariest, on occasion, when overtaking, the bus had to almost come to a standstill to let oncoming traffic get by, beeping like crazy to let the car/truck in front know it was overtaking. Quene nearly stopped breathing several each time, wincing away from the window!
Mysore Palace at night

Once in Mysore we found a rooftop restaurant to have dinner. As night fell, we noticed wierd looking birds flying accross the sky above in their hundreds, a closer look and confirmation from the waiter revealed them to be huge bats, the size of eagles by the looks! Then flocks of parakeets flying in the same direction. Something was up, we thought! Then lots of flashes of lightning, by then we had just finished our meal when it began pouring down, by the bucketload! Never seen it rain so heavily, within minutes the road had turned into a fast flowing river! We took refuge in the inside restaurant and decided to wait until the rains died down, having a few rum and cokes (at 36Rupees/70c each) to tide us by. Monsoon rains experienced first hand! A couple of hours later we got back to the hotel during a dry patch, cos a few minutes later it began pouring down again, and continued right into the morning, had to use earplugs to sleep, as the rain was so loud!!!!!

Today we visited Mysore’s Maharaja’s Palace,we saw some elephants in the palace grounds and this evening, because its a festival, it’s lit up by 92,000 light bulbs, and looks like something from a disney fairy tale.

Tomorrow we head down to Kochin, in Kerala, on the coast, hoooorraaaaay!!!!!!! (10 hour overnight bus drive). Kerala is famous for it’s backwaters and lagoons, where you can take boat rides theough the lazy villages and view country life at a real slow pace… so the guide books say anyway! It’s also famous for it’s long palm backed beaches, so get the swimming gear ready, beaches here we come!!!!

Will post some photos when we get a chance, cant upload at this internet cafe 🙁


James & Quene


Estamos en Mysore, a 130 km al sur de Bangalore.
Volamos a Bangalore (capital de la provincia de Karnataka) el pasado Jueves, hemos estado 2 dias , , fuimos a Accenture a visitar a unos compañeros del ex curro de James.

Girl begging in the bus station
Niña pidiendo en la estacion de autobus

Cogimos un super autobus de lujo hasta Mysore por 160Rs = 3 euros . Y hasta ahora es el autobus mas comodo en el que James y yo hemos viajado jamas , mucho espacio para las piernas ,sobre todo para dos pati-larlos. 3 horas de viaje , carretera mejor que en Irlanda! . El conductor un poco “fitipaldi” a veces, y nos pego un par de sustos.

Ya en Mysore , cenando vimos muchos ” pajaros raros ” ( 200 aprox ) volando por encima de nuestras cabezas .. no eran ni mas ni menos que unos 50 cm mmm!! otros tipos de pajaros iban en la misma direccion algo estaba pasando , al cabo de un rato, empezo a diluviar , durante horas , las calles parecian rios , asi que nos quedamos en el restaurante tomando unos rones ( 70 cent cada uno) y jugando al ahorcado , hasta que remitio la lluvia .
Estuvo lloviendo hasta la mañana siguiente ….

Hoy hemos visitado el Palacio del Maharaja de Mysore, y esta tarde como es fiesta estaba iluminado con 92,000 bombillas (como en la feria de Sevilla). Pronto vereis las fotos este cibercafe no tiene puerto de USB.

Mañana a Kochin y Kerala enla costa … por fin !! ( 10 horas en autobus).
Kerala es famosa por sus lagunas y canales , donde uno se puede relajar en barca y ver pasar el tiempo, tambien por playas de postal..!!

“Namaste” a tod@s
J & Q

25 Responses to “Southern India – Karnataka”
  1. agustin 24 October 2005 at 12:28 am #

    In a trip to Canary Islands, Agencies said if you dont have sun every day you don pay the trip. If someone say to you that the Monsoon is finished before you go tu India, he have to pay the “burro”, so they are the rules.

  2. calenco 24 October 2005 at 7:07 am #


    Estupenda carcajada cuando has dicho lo de la Feria de Sevilla. En la página de Wikipedia viene mysore (my sore what?) y un castillo iluminado y le dije a mamá, mira, estos se encuentran allí con María del Monte. Juas !

    Hablaban que las fiestas eran a pp de octubre, así que es genial que llegarais a tiempo. Leí que son 3 días de decirle a la diosa lo malísimo que has sido y luego 3 días de decirle a la diosa lo buenísimo que vas a ser.

    Por cierto, ¿allí los domingos también son fiesta?

    El extraño escarceo de murciélagos y periquitos dará como resultado una nueva novela como best seller de Navidades: “El Conde Perico”.

    Tened cuidado si al pedir algo os sirven un pedazo de carne de unos 50 mms. u os detendrán en Australia por el desproporcionado tamaño de vuestros colmillos. Chin chin chin chin ! (

  3. calenco 24 October 2005 at 7:10 am #

    Oh, este software ha tenido a bien cortarme el post. El chin chin chin era música de peli de miedo. Me ha fastidiado the realm of the writting !

    Muchos quereres,

    (Por cierto quene, una sandalia tuya apareció esta madrugada en la Albufera de Valencia, juas!, agobiadísima y exclamando que Odia-Los-Monzones)


  4. Mairead Fagan 24 October 2005 at 9:52 am #

    Told ya those earplugs were a must!!

  5. Ronan Keating 25 October 2005 at 4:26 pm #

    You could hear the rain over James snoring???
    Fairplay!! Go on the rain!!

  6. agustin 25 October 2005 at 4:27 pm #

    Quene, are you wearing a hindu woman dress? or Shari

  7. Quene 25 October 2005 at 4:53 pm #

    No I haven’t buy a Saree yet. I find them very nice but also very uncorfortable if you are not use to and on top of it , the back pack.. al the pieces falling down….
    If you don’t tide it properly you can be in nickers in the middle of the street.
    We bought some silk-cotton material ( solo tela) in Mysore for 240Rs= 5 euros for 4.5m ( 60Rs= 1.20 per m) buth the purpose was to make a light sleeping sheet, for trains and dirty beds.
    We have to go to a tailor now , in every corner of Fort Kochin there is one , and ask him/her to make it.
    They will be the most beautiful sleeping bags in the world. As soon is done we will so you. Today playing around I tide the material around the body as a Saree and it was nice , but I coudn’t walk .
    No llevo saree , aunque son preciosos , no sabria llevarlo , y con la mochila y todo seria un poco incomodo.te lo tienes que poner bien o no es plan de quedarse en braguillas en medio de la calle.
    Ayer compramos una combinacion de seda y algodon muy bonita por 240Rs= 5 euros for 4.5m ( 60Rs= 1.20 per m). el proposito no es otro que hacernos un saquillo de sabana ligero, para trenes y camas dudosas.
    Aqui que hay muchos sastres y costureras nos coseran los bordes y van a ser los sacos mas bonitos del mundo. ya mandaremos fotos , hoy me lo he liado al cuerpo y quedaba muy chulo pero no se puede andar muy comoda.
    besos a todos desde Fort Kochin

  8. Quene 25 October 2005 at 5:27 pm #

    Ronan , why are writing us from UK .. we know you are in Ireland , are you ashamed of your country now …after you left Boyzone?
    And yes i prefer to hear James snoring than you singing 😉

    the earplugs is the best invention ever.. but I am becoming deaf , the noisy fans in the cealing , the f**** rickshaws biping , everytime we speak we need to shout… I hope China is quieter ( is probably worse , don’t tell me ) .. I know now why this people invented Yoga and other relaxation techniques.

  9. Quene 25 October 2005 at 5:35 pm #

    Nos libramos de esto por los pelos …Un dia mas y no hubieramos podido viajar al sur ya que las carreteras se inundaron
    Por aqui de momento estamos bien , mañana haremos un tour por un canal en Fort Kochin

  10. calenco 25 October 2005 at 9:28 pm #


    Cuando se viaja lejos
    hay que viajar
    ligero de equipaje.

    Con las certezas mínimas.

    Beso, xeitosa.

  11. agustin 26 October 2005 at 12:46 am #

    I could’nt ear the James snoring in Albarracin. And the Camping was very very in calm. As a joke is good.

  12. calenco 26 October 2005 at 8:29 am #

    Presiosos, os copio noticia “El País” hoy:

    China registra el tercer brote de gripe aviar en una semana.
    Aunque no se han registrado casos en personas, las autoridades chinas se están preparando ante la posibilidad de contagio.

    Ahora teneis una laaaaarga playa en la costa arábica para disfrutar, pero consultad este asunto por si teneis que amañar las fechas, tal y como comentasteis.

    Besos antídoto de todo,


  13. Ronan Keating 26 October 2005 at 10:30 am #

    In fairness India must be cool.

    Riding around bareback,
    fighting cowboys,
    circling the wanderly wagons,
    Those little furry mogwai’s,
    Living in egloos,
    buses for grey hounds,
    Makes me want to sing a song, yeahhhhh,

    Hey Baby, yeah,
    You got me spinning around…
    Hey Baby, yeah,
    Life in an egloo, yeah, you know you can’t fry it.
    Come on Dublin!!!

  14. Ronan Keating 26 October 2005 at 10:35 am #

    I’ve Been learning Spanish for my spanish tour, yeah, I’m not just a pretty farce in fairness…

    En India de la justicia debe ser fresco.

    Cabalgando alrededor de a pelo,
    luchando a vaqueros,
    rodeando los errantemente vagones,
    Esos mogwai peludo pequeño,
    Viviendo en el egloos,
    los autobuses para podencos grises,
    las Marcas que mí quiero cantar una canción, yeahhhhh,

    Oye Bebé, sí,
    Usted obtuvo mí girando alrededor..
    Oye Bebé, sí,
    la Vida en un egloo, sí, usted sabe que usted no lo puede freír.
    ¡Venga en Dublín!!


  15. calenco 26 October 2005 at 10:57 am #

    Great, Ronan…

    There’s something peculiar about your translation. Just southamerican people will say, Oye bebé, sí. Spanish people wouldn’t translate it.

    Let me try another translation to spanish, though i love yours, sounds freak !

    En India la justicia debe molar

    Cabalgando a pelo por ahí
    vaqueros en lucha
    merodeando por vagones errantes
    estos mowgis pequeños y peludos
    viviendo en iglús
    autobuses para grises podencos
    hacen que me ponga a cantar, yeah

    Oye amor, sí
    hiciste que girara.
    Oye amor, sí
    la vida en un iglú, sabes que no puedes freirlo.

    Come on, Dublin !
    Come on, World !


  16. agustin 26 October 2005 at 7:39 pm #

    Quene and James , you can congratulate because your trip it self make poets in the old Europa. Bravo for Ronan.

  17. Brian Kennedy 27 October 2005 at 8:06 am #

    Hey Ronan, I was talking to Al Pacino he told me about that thing, with the lama, crazy, on the edge, where ya gotta be, is it true? Oh I left my mobile in that hotel room a good while ago, don’t suppose you know where it is? tks.

  18. calenco 27 October 2005 at 9:56 am #

    nenes, Mysore lo dejasteis hace siglos…

    Ah, las largas y placenteras playas de la India Occidental… Quene, siempre dije de ti que eras un animal solar. Te imagino tumbada y chupando
    todos los rayos de sol de la costa arábica.

    Para cuándo a new report?



  19. Quene 27 October 2005 at 4:03 pm #

    Hey guys ..this is getting funkytron..
    We are in Fort Kochin , and we have to do the review of these days .. but we were very busy .. getting massages, doing tours of the beautiful backwaters of Kerala, and eating seafood looking at the sea 😉 .
    Also we needed to get a good cybercafe with decent speed were we could uload photos . I owe yous one old sunset in Udaipur,so check old post just in case.
    Today we have an hour ony before we catch the train to Goa.
    No beaches yet here.
    Estamos en Fort Kochin, y tenemos que hacer un reportaje de estos dias , hemos estado muy ocupados haciendo tours por los canales de Kerala ,recibiendo masajes de Ayurvedic y comiendo marisco con el mar como fondo..
    Tambien teniamos que encontrar un cibercafe con la velocidad adecuada para escribir y subir las fotos . Todavia os debo una puesta de sol en Udaipur, asi que ir mirando viejos “posts”
    Solo tenemos media hora antes de coger el tren para Goa esta noche , a ver si da tiempo.
    De momento no ha habido playa aqui…

  20. Agustin 27 October 2005 at 4:48 pm #

    Los mariscos suelen ser necrofagos, conclusion, si son de la desmbocadura del Ganjes deben ser gigantescos. Estais vacunados de los “negrobacilos”? Tu hermana mayor y yo abrimos todos los dias , varias veces, el blog para ver lo que hay.

  21. Ronan Keating 1 November 2005 at 3:05 pm #

    Ah now Brian, I told ye once I told ye twice!! it wasn’t me in that hotel room!! I lent me phone to one of the guys, Stevo I think. Next time turn on the lights!!
    Really and as for those Lamas, I prefer dogs in fairness, more friendly.

    Cheers Calenco for your translation, makes even less sense than mine.
    I learnt Espagnolly off them Cubans while recording an album with Ferrari and those other lads from the Bin-men Visitors Social Club, for bin men they sure could sing, wow!!! in fairness I didn’t have a bog what they were saying.
    I prefer to let my singing do the talking, as ye know.

    I’m off now to record a few Sinatra numbers with Poison,
    I rock, come on!!!

  22. lil sis 8 November 2005 at 5:15 pm #


  23. Jeff Mak 1 December 2005 at 3:10 pm #

    Hi James!Hi Cristina! We are in Mr. Finnery class. I am Jeff, where will you go next? ‘The Great Wall’ is very long and beautiful. ‘The Terracotta Warriors’ are so mud fan, but they are very scary, we are arfaid of them. The photo is good looking, we like it very much. Next time can you take a lot of photos? i am looking for you…LOL…Bye!!

  24. Luca (Luke) 25 January 2010 at 12:22 am #

    Gracias por la informacin. He encontrado tu web en MSN hoy. Esta es una buena pgina. Creo que voy a Guardar este. Alguien sabe de donde puedo Reparar Nintendo DSi ?
    Un Saludo

  25. J&Q 31 January 2010 at 5:28 pm #

    Hola Luca,

    espero que el blog te haya servido! Lo siente no se donde reparar un DSi. Seguro en Bangalore hay muchos sitios donde se puede…


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