North Island: Hobbiton-Matamata, Opal Springs & Waitomo Caves

Hello again!

As most of you know the Lord of The Rings trilogy was filmed in New Zealand. 150 locations were used throughout the country for filming, part of the agreement was to have the sets removed so that the countryside could be returned to the original state after filming. Luckily enough, just one set remains partially still standing, that of Hobbiton, just outside the small town of Matamata, some 112km southwest of Auckland. Peter Jackson flew over New Zealand trying to find ideal spots for filming and he found a sheep farm here that was ideal for the location of Hobbiton. So welcome to Hobbiton!

Hola de nuevo.

Esp: El señor de los anillos se rodo en Nueva Zelanda, de las 150 localizaciones que utilizaron son una queda en pie, lo demas se destruyo, asi que aprovechamos que nos pillaba de paso para visitar Hobiton en Matamata (pueblo en medio de ninguna parte 112km de Auckland , elegido por Peter Jackson para la localizacion de Hobbiton). Solo cuando estas alli entiendes porque PJ eligio este lugar. Bienvenidos a Hobbiton…!!!

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The tour was a bit pricey (NZ$50, for a 2 hour tour), but if you are a fan of JRR Tolkein, it is worth the visit! They had already began to diamantle this set, but that was interrupted by bad weather, so they left it for a while until the weather would improve, meanwhile someone decided that they could try to save it and use it as a tourist attraction, Peter Jackson and the movie company agreed. We were lucky with the weather though, and even the sun gave us this amazing ring, as if the Lord of the Rings himself was looking down on us! No camera trickery here I can assure you!

Esp: El tour era muy caro (NZ$50 , 2 horas de tour) pero si eres fan de JRRTolkien merece la pena venir, este set de la peli estaba destinado a ser destruido pero la lluvia lo salvo.. llovio tan fuerte que pararon la “demolicion”… despues de unos meses alguien tuvo una brillante idea, conservarlo. Esp: No solo tuvimos mucha suerte con el tiempo, ademas el sol nos deleito con esta imagen, no es un efecto de camara.

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If you have the DVD take a look, or you might remember from the movie. This is the tree where they celebrated Bilbos Birthday Party, and one of the reasons Mr Jackson chose this site, along with the small lake and no manmade structures in sight.

Esp: Si teneis el DVD a mano echarle un vistazo, este es el arbol donde Bilbo celebro su cumpleaños, y una de las razones por las que P Jackson eligio este lugar, un arbol inmenso al lado de un lago, colinas verdes y nada que recuerde a civilizacion alrededor.

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If you remember Bagg Eng, the house where Bilbo lived, well this is it, from the outside, inside there is not much to see, we ventured inside as you can see. The movie scenes indoors were filmed at the studios in Wellington.

Esp: Alguien recuerda Bagg End donde vivia Bilbo, pues estumos dentro.. esta vacio, pero siempre estuvo asi los muebles y todo lo que habia dentro se rodo en un estudio en Wellington.

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Besides Hobbiton, Matamata can also boast some natural thermal springs, Opal Springs, also a campsite, where we stayed. There are large hot pools, between 29C and 40C. Great for the skin and the bones. There is a also a private pool you can rent out for half an hour or so, surrounded by ferns and plants, great! The water is so clear that they say that if you were able to put a newspaper at the bottom you could read it from the surface!

Esp: A parte de Hobbiton otro de las joyas que puedes encontrar en Matamata es Opal Springs, una piscina de agua caliente natural sulfurada, buena para la piel y reuma. Una piscina privada alrededor de mil plantas, alquilas por media hora y estas completamente solo…el agua es tan clara que dicen que puedes poner un periodico en el fondo y leerlo.

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A bit further to the west, we visited Waitomo, where if you are up for it you can go down into the dark depths of the earth! The tiny hamlet is famous for the caves that surround it, not only do you get to see stalactites and stalagmites, you abseil down, then hop in an inner tube to go down the underground river, all this while you are sharing the cave with thousands of tiny little bright blue glowworms

Esp: Si te gusta bajar a las profundidades vente a Waitomo , pueblo diminuto con muchas cuevas alrededor, casi todo el dinero que llega aqui es de turismo, especialmente la visita a las cuevas , no solo puedes ver estalatitas y estalagmitas , bajas haciendo raftin de 25m y subes escalando..!

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Once inside, you get to see the cave with your headlamp, then get to form a human chain with the other cavers, being dragged along by the water, where you see the amazing glowworms, they use tiny sticky filaments hanging down from the cave to trap insects that are attracted to the glow of the gloworms tails. After a while once you have got your night vision, you can actually see quite well with the light given off from the glow worms. Pity though they dont turn out well with regular cameras, you need a highly sensitive camera to take good pics of them. Esp: Una vez dentro primero visitas la cueva con linterna y la vuelta a oscuras en una especie de flotador llevandote la corriente (todos en cadena), y las paredes estan llenas de luces, una vez que se te acostumbra la vista ves bastante bien. paul270306pm 033.jpg paul270306pm 045.jpg paul270306pm 054.jpg Well that is it for now, and if you are wondering why there are no apostrophes, for some reason the website is not liking them, so there ya go! Lots more for you to see!Pueso es todo por ahora , tenemos muchas mas cosas que enseñaros. Hasta pronto J&Q

8 Responses to “North Island: Hobbiton-Matamata, Opal Springs & Waitomo Caves”
  1. Larry 4 April 2006 at 5:08 am #

    Konnichi-wa from Nihon (Japan)

    Some great photos again lads! Been an action packed 6/7 months for yas!

    Seem to remember being in a place called Matmata, in Tunisia (sounds similar) about 10 years ago that was the location for scenes from Star Wars.

    New Zealand has to be one of the most beautiful places on Earth!

  2. Mairead Fagan 4 April 2006 at 9:57 am #

    You can’t have naked chicks and Hobbiton on the same page, that is just *WRONG*!!

  3. James & Quene 4 April 2006 at 10:24 am #

    Hi Larry,

    Greetings from Nelson, and from Sandra and Dave too! Sandra’s taking real good care of us, cooked up a yummy meal! We’re exactly 6 months into the trip, half way through the trip and half way round the world… Wierd that place in Tunisia almost the same name!
    You having a good time in Japan? Cool we’ve got another country flag in our comments!!!!

    relax the kaks, there were no hobbits involved in the making of this website! And as internet access is at a premium we’ve got to make the most of our posts!!!!

    Take it easy!
    J & Q

  4. Richie 4 April 2006 at 11:39 pm #

    Yeah no Hobbits but a hairy Paddy I coulda done without seeing 🙂

  5. b 5 April 2006 at 7:47 am #

    las niñas
    que se ponen a nadar…

    Yo me pregunto si no estareis ya aburridos de pasarlo bien… juas !

    En la ciudad de madriz ya se siente el calorcito y la cercanía del sol.

    Muchos muchos quereres y un beso en el borde superior del tatuaje…

    ; )


  6. b 5 April 2006 at 7:51 am #

    juas !

    Pareces NosferatA-Vampira en la foto en la que estais mirando las estalactitas…

    … tienes cara de estar pensando, hmmm, qué concavidad más buena para echarme una siestitaaa…

    … nos colgaremos ajos por si las moscasss…

    @ ^-_-^ @

    Besob !


  7. Quene to b Says 5 April 2006 at 8:38 am #

    Ya la verdad que no sali muy fotogenica en esa foto pero.. es tan artificial ,(el del tour nos hizo posar )asi que me parecio divertida ponerla..
    un pelin de Cyranillo en ese perfil…y no es broma que me di con el casco en el tabique cada vez que me daba en la cueva 50 veces… casi la censura no la publica pero pense .. jeissusssss…What the jell..!!
    Por cierto los 4 cds de fotos de China , Tailandia, y dos de Australia ya estan en casa.. con las fotos de las tomas falsas.. haz copias para sanfer y pon el cd de India junto a sus hermanitos..
    Besos como quesos desde Nelson y Abel Tasman (la punta norte de la isla sur)
    Como haces para que te salga la bandera de Nzzzzzz.?

  8. b 5 April 2006 at 9:52 pm #

    Esta puta cosa me ha borrado 7 párrafos que te había escrito, aghh… he confundido el 1 con el 7 !

    Mañana te escribo desde la oficina.


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