Hong Kong 10/11/05
Well we made it out of India!
Hong Kong is such a stark contrast to India, once you step off the airplane it’s like you’ve stepped into the future. Everything looks so new, fast trains, buses, motorways everywhere, huge bridges, and skyscrapers everywhere, all over the place, 30-40 storeys seems to be the average sized apartment block around here!
We’re staying out in Tin Shui Wai, a suburb out in the New Territories, it’s where Larry (Monica’s brother) works, he’s kindly let us stay at his place. It’s about 45 mins into town.
The skyline of Hong Kong island is amazing, it’s lit up at night and there’s a cool light show every evening at 8pm. HOng Kong has LOTS of money, you can tell from the number of top designer stores (Janis you’d love it here!!!!). Then there’s the markets with all the fake Gucci and Rolex gear!
Fresh seafood in Temple St Market, all the poor little creatures were alive ,there were some of them who they were trying to scape like the amantis shrimp
Marisco fresco en Temple Sr market , los pobres bichos estaban vivos en incluso intentaban escaparse.
It’s all lights too, huge neon signs flashing everywhere, giant TVs on street corners, feels like we’ve stepped into the future or some sci-fi movie like Bladerunner!
One of the largest outdoor Buddha in the world where the relics of the first Budha are place inside the statue
Una de las estatua de Buda mas grandes del mundo donde las reliquias del primer Buda estan en su interior
The Buddha of the thousand hands
El Buda de las mil manos
Hong Kong es tan diferente India , una vez que bajas del avion es como estar en el futuro,
todo parece nuevo, trenes , carreteras por todos los sitios , puentes increibles y sobre todo
rascacielos , todo el mundo vive en rascacielos en HK
Nos hemos alojado en Tin Shui Wai, un suburbio en los Nuevos Territorios donde Larry el hermano
de Monica trabaja , amablemente nos ha dejado estar en su apartamento..
Pero esta a 45 minutos del centro .
La vista de los edificios es alucinante con tantas luces ,
cada dia hacen un festival de luces durante una hora, todo es derroche de luz, tambien hay mucha tiendas
de diseno. Aunque se puede conseguir articulos de marcas falsas en los mercadillos.
Skyline of Hong Kong Island from Kowloon, looks like the film Blade Runner
Vistas de la isla de Hong Kong desde Kowloon , se parece a la peli Blade Runner
Here in Spain we have change all the maps and we are in China, too.
Looking at the map we could see the really big jump you did, because there must be quite distance between Mumbay and Hong Kong.
Are you gonna see the Great Wall?
… and about the note books, it’s not important. I though you could, that it would be easy for you. I would like to, but it’s more important to me that you really enjoy yourselves. I mean… you are being generous because you write txt and post in the blog so we can share your trip, but i do not forget that it’s your time, your joy… and you probably want to feel that you are alone sometimes.
Love you two, Marco Polos !
Los Rolex son buenos o de los de diez euros ?
Rolex are good or that of ten euros?
Honkong looks like the skyline of New York or I think more as I can see in the TV reports
Hi everyone we are in Mr Finnerty’s English class, and have shown how to post a comment!
James & Cristina
Larry here! Has been refreshing having the two guys over in Hong Kong. I’m enjoying it as much (probably more) than they are!!?
The lesson today was a real treat for the kids and an eye-opener as well I hope. I am going to run with this theme of travel and let the kids know what’s going on with James & Cristina as they go along their travels and hopefully get them to post some comments on the site too!! Some of the other teachers at the school have also expressed an interest in using the site for educational purposes.
Anyway thanks for coming out today. Cristina was great as Dorothy, James a flawless narrator; so good in fact that the ‘real’ teacher lost his head and forget his own lines at the end!!! But not to worry!!!
I think that the kids enjoyed the lesson. The loudest cheer was reserved for the fact that their dictation test was cancelled on account of us having our special guests in the classroom!! I also didn’t have time to give out their homework, and that was part of the reason that they scarpered out of the room so quickly at the end!!! But don’t worry, I gonna visit their home rooms later and make sure that they get it!!! 🙂
They truly emphatised with the kids and the teacher in the classroom in India. The looks on their faces were heart-warming!! Made me feel good!! But then again I already knew that they were a great bunch of kids anyway!! And they really took it all in. We had some big smiles for the ‘cow on the beach’ photo and a shout of ‘so ugly!!’ at the photo of the Indian woman!! Well they are only kids, and not perfect!! But you can’t beat the honesty ehh!!??! Was a funny comment I thought ;-))
Lastly we had the kids interview both James and Cristina and this may have actually been the first time that these kids talked to an English-speaker in an informal manner. We held the interviews in the canteen and offered free drinks as a ‘sweetener’ (motivator). It worked!! I’m not sure what was said but they seemed to really get into it!! And will give us some more material to talk about in class next week and to ensure that they don’t forget our two special guests in a hurry!!!
Well that really is all!!! I’ve written a lot!!!
Hope that your travels provide plenty more eye-opening experiences!!
We will keep in touch.
hello ! we are Mr finnerty, class , and have shown how to post a comment ! james and cristna ^^
hi ! we are in mr finery class ,and have shown how to make a comment. aames & cristina .
Hi Annie, and all in Mr Finnerty’s class!
We are very happy you are looking at the website!
We’ve just posted some more pictures of Hong Kong and Beijing too!
Take a look, we hope you like them!
Bye for now!
James & Cristina
HI james & christina hope u are having a ball hong kong looks fantastic enjoy hi Agustin & CALENCO & ALL the Family in MADRID u are very warm hearted & loving people hope to meet again soon love from Tony Dolores becky &anto janis & leon J&Q UR updates are ever so enjoyable to read & look at keep up the good work miss u all Tony
The photos are very beautiful too.
In night time.I think Hong Kong is very beautiful.Do you feel that?I hope Hong Kong can be more beautiful!
My school,have so much good points,teacher so kind,ask many question they will be willing to explain.The student homework generally,soon complete.Although 5 o’clock
dismiss the class,master to increase knowledge.So I will not complain the school
time question!!