El Teatro Colon

Bienvenidos al Teatro Colón,

Una de las joyas de Buenos Aires, su construcción duró 20 años, fue inagurado en 1908 con la Opera de Aida de Verdi, el año que viene cumplira 100 anitos, durante todo este ano le estan lavando la cara para que en el aniversario luzca como en sus comienzos.
Aqui en el link podeis echar un vistazo por su interior y conocer mejor su historia.

ENG: Welcome to the Colón Theatre (that’s Colón as in Columbus, not a body part 😉 ) One of Buenos Aires’ jewels, andone of the world’s great Opera Houses. It was inaugurated in 1908 after 20 years of construction! And next year will celebrate its centenary. Right now you can’t go inside as it’s being refurbished, but Quene was lucky enough to enroll in a theatrical set-design course, taught in the Theatre’s Theatrical Institute.

More info can be found here : http://www.teatrocolon.org.ar/
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Entre los muchos cursos que se dan en el Colon decidí asomarme a este maravilloso mundo del teatro y realizar un curso en escenografia con Jose Maria Cornide una leyenda viva en escenografia e iluminacion. El tema era la opera de Puccini “Turandot”, asi que desempolvé las fotos que hicimos en China (que parece siglos desde que estuvimos allí) y las usamos como inspiracion para la maqueta que tendriamos que realizar al final del curso. En las foto se pueden ver a Carolina delante de una foto antigua de la Sala con una de las mejores acusticas del mundo. En la otra el edificio visto desde la 9 de Julio.

ENG: The theme of the course was Puccini’s Turandot, the course was taught by Jose Maria Cornide, a living legend in set design and stage lighting. Turandot being set in China meant Quene used the photos we took in China as part of the research into designing an authentic looking set. Below is a photo of the main auditorium, with course colleague Carolina, from Chile, who also happens to be an amazing singer, she sang at Jose’ birthday, we were all blown away with her amazing vocal talent! Anothe photo of Quene and the facade of the building taken from the Avenida 9 de Julio, way back when…

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En el tour tambien nos ensenaron donde se fabrican las pelucas, mascaras, coronas y todo lo necesario para dar a la Opera toda su espectacularidad. hay una sala con mas de 15000 pares de zapatos y otras tantas piezas de vestuario, caminamos por la herreria y el taller escultura y de realizacion de escenografia, fue como estar por dentro de un superbarco.

ENG: As students they got to partake in a private tour given by those who know it best. She got to visit the workshops where they make wigs, masks, headresses, iron works and everything else necessary to put on a grand stage production. Then there’s the wardrobe with some 15,000 pairs of shoes, and thousands of costumes.
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La clase se dividio por equipos y cada equipo nos toco hacer un acto, nosotros decidimos el segundo acto, cuadro primero.. Aqui teneis la sipnopsis por si os interesa.


Alli tuve la suerte de conocer mucha gente, en la foto con las chicas de mi equipo: Sabrina, Laura, Cecilia y Victoria (Argentinas) Patricia (Paraguay) y Carolina (Chile) y el Maestro Cornide. Cuando acababa la clase empezaban otras de canto o danza era increible oir a los cantantes ensayar por los pasillos, tambien tuve la suerte de colarme en un par de clases de canto y oir a Carolina entre otros much@s futuras estrellas , cantar increiblemente bien. Cómo puede salir un sonido tan increible de las cuerdas vocales…??

ENG: The class was divided into several groups, where each group had to design the set for a particular act. Quene’s group decided on the second act. More details of that particular part is here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Turandot.

In the class Quene got to know many people in the photo is Sabrina, Laura, CEcilia and Victoria (all Agrentinians), Patricia (Paraguay), Carolina (Chile) and Master Cornide. After class was finished you could hear and take a peek at other classes; singing, dance and you could hear future stars (including Carolina!) going through their steps.

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Y esta es la maquetilla que hicimos en una escala exacta de 1:50 del escenario del Colón. Incluidos Ping Pang y Pong, nos quedo preciosa. La maqueta se rifó entre las chicas del equipo y desafortunadamente no me tocó, 🙁 pero aquí teneis unas fotos para que lo
disfruteis desde alli.

ENG:Below are a few shots of the set model Quene’s group designed at a scale of 1:50. The set came complete with characters Ping, Pang and Pong (no really, they are the characters’ names!!!). As there were 6 or 7 in the group they slice it up between them so they decided to hold a raffle, sadly Quene didn’t win 🙁 well at least you have a few pics to get the idea!

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Este fue otra de las maquetas que se realizaron.

ENG: This was one of the other amazing set models that were designed in the class.

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………..Y como la vida es un teatro, nos despedimos hasta el siguiente acto…

Gracias por estar ahi todavia desde hace mas de un año y medio siguiendo nuestras aventuras, os tenemos que enseñar muchas cosillas.. no os podeis perder “San Patricio a la porteña” con TV y paparazzis incluidos.

ENG: Well as life is a just a show, and we’ll see you in the next act!

Thanks for being there and showing your support, it really makes the effort (of putting up the posts, and of course travelling 😉 worthwihile!) The next act will be a great show, thankt to St. Patrick and his worldwide fame, and ours too, hahaha!
Hasta la próxima

James & Quene

15 Responses to “El Teatro Colon”
  1. Richie 27 March 2007 at 2:00 am #

    Wheres the photos from Tanquera dammit!! 🙁 … lol

  2. Sanfer y cia 27 March 2007 at 12:20 pm #

    Las maquetas son “mucho Guay”.

    Una de las fotos que has mandado tiene nombre de Zarzuela las de “el manojo de rosas”. Hace juego con el teatro este piropo.

    Este puente nos vamos a Alicante , Paloma y Yo. Bea se va a Segovia a un curso de no se que.


  3. carolina 27 March 2007 at 9:24 pm #

    Que lindos recuerdos !!!
    yo como siempre deforme y desfigurada en las fotos ja ja ni pensar en las caras que pongo cuando canto òpera uy !!
    Pucha , ojalá te alcanze el billete hasta que yo vaya pa llá
    ¡ ESPÉEERAMEE !!!!


  4. J & Q 28 March 2007 at 2:23 am #

    In Tanguera the dacers they weren’t naked, it was a musical, the posters just marketing to atrack people. It was very good, like Brodway’s musicals + the Tango thing and the story when Buenos Aires was starting as a city…no cameras alowed.
    We go to placebo the 1st of April..the maori warrior is doing ok.. nearly finished.

    Sanfer y cia,
    Cuando volvais de Alicante con el manojo de rosas, vereis los dibujillos, en Segovia debe hacer un frio ahora de pa’que.
    Ha llegado la primavera ya? y el DVD?
    El cafe en Buenos Aires cuesta entre 3 y 4 pesos (entre 75 centavos y un euro) depende de la ciudad como allá pero los alquileres aqui son la mitad que alli.
    No sabemos si seguir aqui o volver, nos va a dar un patatus con el euro y tenemos que planear bien la vuelta para que todo este ano haya merecido la pena y no pasar pagina como si nada hubiera pasado.

    Echamos de menos Dublin y a todos vosotros, la family unida en estos tiempos de polarizaciones y despolarizaciones.
    Y nunca olvidarse de que somos un equipo.

    El dia de San Patricio fue muy divertido hasta le hicieron una entrevista a James, no contó que estabamos dando la vuelta al mundo..bla bla bla pero hubiera estado genial. Nos disfrazamos y teniamos a 10 fotografos alrededor. Este domingo voy a san Telmo a ver si vendo algun dibujillo, en Abril visitaremos Uruguay otra vez, buscaremos más rincones para ensenaros.

    Nosotros tenemos que ir calculando también asi que nos vamos sincronizando.
    Hay un concurso de Opera en Agosto en Madrid, Rebecca (la chica de Paraguay) va a ir..No se cuando van o si han sido las pruebas ya, estará de jurado Placido Domingo. Y si no te preparamos un tour de Jazz y Opera por Dublin, alli hay músicos hasta debajo de las piedras.

    Bueno chiketos nos leemos ..!


  5. Nadine 28 March 2007 at 4:19 am #

    Hi, love the photo’s from St. Patricks day and thanks so much for the offer to paint the boys, I would love to take you up on it. Would you mind waiting until the baby comes so she can be in it too?? Where will I send photos to? I have some from St.Pats day too to show you. nrnrHave to go now as I am still drooling over the 15,000 pairs of shoes….nrLove Nadine xx

  6. Richie 28 March 2007 at 4:24 am #

    Hey Guys,
    Can you post a pic or mail me one of the maori warrior when hes done. Maybe for my 40th birthday ;)…

  7. admin 29 March 2007 at 7:52 pm #

    Hi Nadine,
    Yea we had a great Paddy’s day, will put up a special Paddy’s Day post soon, we took tons of photos!!!
    Of course we will wait for your new arrival… Have you thought of names yet?? Are the boys happy with the new arrival??
    You can send the pics to quenedm@hotmail.com
    or James’s email.
    Last night we saw Viggo Mortensen, we decided to go to the cinema to see one film with Marianne Faithful and when we got to the cinema we saw red carpet and lots of paparazzi.. and a poster of the film Alatriste, the latest film of Viggo, made in Spain (he speaks perfect Spanish, he grew up here in Argentina).. he was very handsome with the gangster look, suit and gelled back hair! (I prefer the rougher Aragorn or Alatriste look) .
    But of course James is even more handsome… 😉

    Why 40?? you mean I am going to finish it when you are 40..? Or you think you’ll have enough money to afford it by then, hahaha!!! James saw the blanket man’s twin roaming the streets the other day he said don’t forget your towel!!!
    We saw Aragorn last night.. piau piau ..hahaha!!

    Anoche vimos ni mas ni menos que a Viggo Mortensen, en una de esas casualidades de la vida, decidimos ir al cine a ver una peli que sale Marianne Faithful y vimos mucho movimento de fotografos y hasta una alfombra roja.. y hay estaba guapo con su ganster look (aunque le prefiero de Aragorn..jeje) hincha del san Lorenzo desde que vivia aqui con su acento argentino (estuvo viviendo en un pueblecito de Leon para poder hacer su personaje de Alatriste).
    Y nada que al final no pudimos ir al cine pero estuvo graciosa la noche..


    Si nos hubieramos puesto las pelucas otra vez igual hasta hubieramos salido de nuevo en los periodicos..jajajaj!!

    Besos como quesos


  8. Richie 30 March 2007 at 12:42 am #

    :)…. um well when I’m 40 or before the next Ice age which ever comes first by the time you finish that paining, I mean how could it have been done before going to Colnia. All my shipping arrived this week I have spent most of my time washing everying as when it gets of the boat from Ireland its all full of dust and stuff, still I’m catching up on my reading while watching the washing machine I suppose. Was at the Pixies on wednesday so different to when we saw them with Pop in Croke Park. 80,000 people then and this time it was less than 500 in a tiny venue smaller than the Olympia in Dublin. We were right up the front and Frank Black touched me, I will never wash this shoulder gain lol :). Loadsa crowd surfing and all sorts of madness though no back stage passes this time :(. I’ll post over a cd of the videos and pics if you like. the gig was GIGANTIC!!!!! Do you think you will be in BA in August I could fly back that way again?

  9. admin 31 March 2007 at 1:00 am #



    Hope the party was good, nice talking to ya!!! And tell your mammy to email us some pics of the party!

    Miss you lots.

    Hugs n Kisses,

    James & Cristina

    And did you got back all the bags they lost on the way, are you sure you want to go through that again, on the way back?? When do you have to decide the August thing..? no idea yet if we are going to stay or go… thinking around June/July…
    The painting’s nearly finished.. so no need to wait till 40th.. Are you going to buy it, you better put in an offer soon, because if you want to wait til your 40th it will be a pretty expensive painting by then!!!
    My teachers is here tonight and says it’s fine the way it is now…

    The Pixies gig sounded great! Frank Black touched you, wow! So did you feel any different, any wiser 😉 ?

    Sunday evening we’re heading to see Placebo, thst should be good, cant wait.

    Talk to you later

  10. admin 1 April 2007 at 8:23 pm #

    Nos vamos a ver a Placebo, lleva lloviendo desde hace una semana lo que no esta escrito.
    Ya estan pensando cambiar definitivamente Buenos Aires por Buenas Lluvias… esperamos no calarnos mucho esta noche.

    Nos cuentan que por Dublin hace sol.. definitivamente la lluvia nos sigue ashá por donde vamos… aceptamos contratos en lugares con sequia, lluvia garantizada a precios asequibles.

    Nos vemos en la cara oculta de la luna (la estan poniendo en phantomfm en estos momentos).

    En breve estaremos en Uruguay de nuevo.

    FELIZ 6 CUMPLEANOS  para Leon,

    Estuvo genial hablar con los Murphys a traves de internet.


  11. Mairead Fagan 3 April 2007 at 10:31 am #

    Hey dudes
    Been a while since I caught up with those South American antics. Ruairi just got us tix for Electric Picnic check it out http://www.electricpicnic.ie woohoo
    No news here, Ruairi’s Dad is doing relatively well. And Ruairi played in his new band for the second time in Slatterys in Rathmines on 23rd Feb. next gig is in Slatts again on 19th May. As soon as they get their material up on-line we’ll send you a link. Sounds like you’re having a ball – Im not tooooo jealous, well, maybe just a bit, OK a lot, in fact really I hate you 🙂
    take care

  12. J & Q 3 April 2007 at 3:00 pm #

    Hi Mairéad!

    Good to see you’ve not abandoned us 😉
    We’ve been busy too with gigs, last Sun. we saw Placebo (Plasaybo as they say here, I wanted to shout out Placeeeebo, but it would have fallen on deaf ears!) And a couple of weeks ago we caught a glimpse of Roger Waters & co. at the River Plate stadium, great gig, he played the entire “Dark Side of the Moon” album from start to finish, even came with a giant inflatable pink pig and cool videos.

    The line up for the Electric Picnic looks deadly, and we could well be back in time for that, be great to see Bjork! Last time I saw her was in 1994 in Roskilde, Denmark, and that was some gig,m she wasn’t a frontliner act, but even then she should have been, as the tent she played is was bursting at the seams.

    Good to hear Ruari’s Dad is doing OK, tell Ruari we say hi, and we’re thinking of you guys. Be great to hear some of his band’s tunes, good to see he’s getting gigs!

    Don’t be too jealous now, it’s not all fun you know, Quene just went out to her painting class and has to face the daily ordeal of crossing the Av. 9 de Julio, which is a mighty challenge, 20 lanes of traffic!

    We head off to Uruguay next week, to make the most of the remaining sunshine at the beach, hopefully we’ll get the Paddy’s Day post n pics up before then!

    Take care and good to hear from you and keep in touch!


    J & Q

  13. Richie 4 April 2007 at 8:20 am #

    I feel all used and dirty hehehe…. begining to think no one gets wiser, they just get older, like you don’t make the same mistakes cause you’ve already manage to make them two or three times already before the lesson sets in. Just testing the water on dropping in on yis again all depends on when my niece/nephew joins the world and I gotta drop back to Ireland for a bit then. Obviously if someone else starts to threaten my celebrety blog appearance record of 4 posts 3 countrys I’ll be over in flash. I’m writing a book on my adventures with Yayoms and Towelie!! lol :)… theres a chrildrens book or something sinister there, maybe a cross between 101 Dalmations and round the world in 80 days/weeks? oh and Whitnail and I

  14. J & Q 4 April 2007 at 2:56 pm #


    you should shower, beginning to smell you from here! Well if we are here when your niece/nephew joins the world you’re welcome to kip on the couch again, providing you bring us some nice goodies from Ozzie, like a wee pet Koala or Kangaroo!

    The childrens book sounds funny, 101 Dalmations, now who’s who in that? Around the world in 80 weeks, might be about right, but knowing us, we’ll probably turn it into 80 months, now that would be heaven! Yes Withnail & I for that sarcastic touch!



  15. admin 6 April 2007 at 1:54 am #

    Buenos Aires esta que arde literalmente, no se si habeis leido las noticias pero esto parece una batalla campal. Si entrais en el pais, la foto que sale, es justo a dos cuadras de nuestra casa y en la calle donde viven Puma y Maritza (menos mal que estan de vacaciones..!!)
    Hemos oido todo desde casa… yo ya me quiero ir a algun otro lugar mas pacifico.

    Hay varias movidas por todo el pais .. En Neuquen, un profesor de quimica hoy a muerto, por que le tiraron una bomba de gas lacrimogena de la policia y se le incrusto en el cerebro y le estalló dentro. Estaba dentro de un coche. Los docentes protestaban porque querian una subida salarial, actualmente es de 250 euros mensuales….!!!! (que es lo que nosotros pagamos de alquiler y no es nada del otro mundo)
    Y las protestas por las papeleras en Uruguay

    Y la semana que viene tenemos que cruzar a Uruguay.. crucemos los dedos..!!

    Besos y “Feliz” Semana Santa

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