Buenos Aires (2) & Iguazu

September 5th, 2006

Buenos Aires (again!)Enhorabuena España, ganadores del mundial de baloncesto, AUPA!!!!First things first, for those of you who weren´t aware, probably most of you Irish readers! Spain has just won the final of the Basketball World Cup, beating Greece (who beat USA in the semis) in the final! Well done Spain!!!!

Volvimos a buenos Aires, muy lejos de casa pero aqui nos sentimos como en casa pero a lo grande. Gracias Puma y Maritza por dejarnos estar en vuestra casa.

ENG: Well we made it back to Buenos Aires. A bit like home away from home, firstly as it reminds us a lot of Madrid, except bigger! and we´ve got good friends here, Jose and Maritza, who were kind enough to let us stay at their house for the week!


Puesto que la primera vez no tuvimos tiempo ni para ver un show de Tango esta vez nos aventuramos a refrescar los cuatro pasos que ya sabiamos de Dublin hace años. Nos recomendaron ir al Club Gricel, el mejor sitio para bailar milongas los lunes por la gente que baila casi cada dia, alli fuimos (no nos atrevimos ni a levantarnos de la silla, pero vimos a esta gente en su salsa o deberia decir en su milonga)

ENG: Well this time we decided to take up a bit of the aul tango, in the city that made tango famous, where better to do it! We did a couple of classes and it all came back, after the classes we did in Dublin years ago… To get us in the mood we went to a Milonga at Club Gricel, recommended to us by Alicia, a Spanish tango-tourist who we met in our favourite restaurant in San Telmo. The first 2 pics are of dancers at the Milonga, a kind of tango only dance club. We did dance there, but not tango, as we were so out of practice and the dance floor was jammers, didn´t want to damage anyone´s dainty toes!!!! The next 2 pics are Quene putting on her tango shoes, not often you see Quene in high heels, and it was a quest in itself just to find a pair in her size! It was good fun, lets just hope we can keep it up when we get back! And hopefully Quene´s shoes arrive in one piece, we sent them by post!!!

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La calle Florida llena de tiendas y de gente tocando y bailando tango, esa calle debe medir 1 Km de larga. james y Puma pasando por un mural en la calle 9 de Julio. En las otras dos fotos el distrito de negocios donde estan todas las oficinas y el mas modernillo en arquitectura.

ENG: Here´s some tango musicians on the main pedestrain shopping street, Calle Florida. This street must be at least 1km long, and there are plenty of tango artists to be seen strutting or playing their stuff!Next is me and Jose passing by a cool mural on Avenida 9 de Julio, the main street, and ten times wider than O´Connell St in Dublin!!! Here´s one of my favourite pics, with the old skyscraper reflected in the glass of the more modern one! And a cool photo of the skyline in the business district.

IMG_0377.jpg IMG_0385.jpg BsAs Skyscraper BsAs Skyline

Tomando una cañas antes de dejar BA para ir a Puerto Iguazu, y Puerto madero con el puente de la Mujer al fondo del arquitecto Calatrava (ha diseñado muchos puentes como el de Merida y el de James Joyce en Dublin).

ENG: Heres Quene, James and Jose having a drink and a bite to eat. And us two in the Puerto Madero (Port) area of town with Calatrava´s bridge Puente de la Mujer (Woman´s Bridge). He also designed the new James Joyce bridge in Dublin.

IMG_0484.jpg Pte de la Mujer

Este chico es un sacaperros o no se si tienen un nombre de profesion mas cientifico.. mola verles con todos esos perracos siguiendoles tan obedientes, pagan muy bien asi que si volvemos no me importaria trabajar con peludos..

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Despues de muchos intentos fallidos por fin visitamos Tigre en el delta del Rio de la Plata. A media hora en tren desde la estacion de Retiro. Dimos una vuelta en uno de los barcos/buses y estuvimos disfrutando de las casas tan bonitas a la orilla, muy parecido a Nueva Orleans, una zona muy bonita que no te hace sentir que estes en Buenos Aires para nada. Aqui todo el mundo toma mate desde que se levantan hasta que se acuestan, (un poco agrio para mi gusto y eso que le di varias oportunidades) no hicimos fotos de gente tomando mate por timidez… pero si volvemos ya os enseñaremos… hay mates (la taza donde se bebe se llama mate tambien) todos los tipos, y las bombillas (o pajitas) son preciosas tambien.

ENG: Sticking with the aquatic theme, we headed out to Tigre, about 1 hour north of BA, situated on the delta of the Rio de la Plata (or River Plate, as the football team is called!!!) We went on a boat trip through the delta, and saw lots of riverside houses, very like New Orleans delta area. Oh a nice pic of the ubiquitous Yerba Mate, a herbal drink which people sip through a metal straw type thing, people drink this everywhere, on the bus, walking along the street, in the park, at home too, a very quintissential part of Argentinian life. It is quite bitter, so we never really aquired a taste for it!

Tigre Riverboat Tigre River IMG_0394.jpg

Despues de BA atravesamos toda la parte norte en un viaje interminable en bus ( y eso que los buses en Argentina son los mas comodos y baratos del mundo podriamos decir), llegamos a las tres fronteras (Argentina, Paraguay y Brasil) unidas por las impresionantes cataratas de Iguazu, no habia mucha agua pero uno se hace a la idea, caminando por el parque tambien se ven muchos tipos de pajaros y animales exoticos, tuvimos suerte que nos hizo sol , al dia siguiente nos diluvio al cruzar a Brasil.

ENG: After BA we headed up to the Tri-Border area where the Rivers Iguazu and Paraná join and the borders between Brasil, Paraguay and Argentina join, to see the amazing Iguazu Falls, the mightiest falls in South America. Amazing scenery with the waterfalls, and also lots of wildlife to be seen. We stayed in Puerto Iguazu on the Argentinian side, it beeing a nice small town, and also a lot cheaper than sprawling city of Foz do Iguaçu on the Brasilian side of the falls. Feast your eyes on the pictures of the falls…

Iguazu Falls 2 Iguazu IMG_0498.jpg IMG_0507.jpg

Un rato en el parque y un poco de silencio y te das cuenta que estas rodeado de miles de animales y pajaros, mariposas y flores increibles. En la primera foto un armadillo buscando hormigas, Un Cauti buscando lo que sea (si te acercas pueden morder pero son muy graciosos (vimos como 10 todos juntos cruzando el camino, no sabemos el nombre de este pajaro azul pero hacia un sonido mu bonito, y esta mariposa llamada 88 por su dibujo en la parte externa estaba cerca de la Garganta del Diablo, por dentro es azul, nos llevo un ratito sacarla bien en la foto.

ENG: Lots of wildlife to be seen in the parks, we spent a whole day in the Argentinian park and spotted lots of wierd and wonderful creatures. Here´s an armadillo, a cauti (bit like an anteater) a beautiful blue bird, never got its name… And the coolest butterfly, on the underside of it´s wings are the number 88, brilliant! When it opens it´s wings they are blue and black, pretty too, but it was the number 88 that caught our eye!!!!

Armadillo Cauti BLue Parrot IMG_0570.jpg

Este niño es Claudio tiene 10 años, un amiguete que nos hicimos en Puerto Iguazu, uno de los muchos niños que tienen que pedir por aqui para poder sacar a su familia adelante y que no ha tenido mucha suerte en su vida, nos lo encontramos tantas veces que al final nos hicimos una foto. Esperamos que encuentre sus sueños algun dia. En la otra foto son los tres Hitos o las tres fronteras, desde aqui se ven los tres paises, Paraguay a la izquierda a la orilla del Rio Parana y Brasil a la derecha al Norte del Rio Iguazu. Las catarastas estan a 18 km de aqui.. fue genial estar viendo los tres paises a la vez.

ENG: Here´s Claudio, a poor little chap who loved to chat. We met on our first day in Puerto Iguazu and kept bumping into him every day we were there! Here we are on the Tri-Border area, with Argentina in the foreground, Paraguay to the left on the banks of the river Paraná, and Brasil to the right of the River Paraná and north of the river Iguazu. The falls are about 18km to up the river Iguazu from where we were standing. But cool to be right on the border of the 3 countries!

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Y eso es todo desde Argentina, nos gustaria volver mas pronto que tarde, nos ha gustado mucho por fin visitarlo (llevabamos muchos años soñando estar aqui).

Nos espera Brasil y esperamos enseñaros lo mas interesante de este pais unico.

ENG: Well that´s it from Argentina, for now, that is, we have this feeling that we´ll be back here some day, sooner than later we hope, as the entire country is amazing, being so big, you really have to come here several times to get the best of each area during each season, but we ´only´ got to spend about 6 weeks in total, and most of that during the ´winter´ nothing compared to the winter that awaits us in Europe ( .

Adios Argentina, y hasta la proxima! (Good bye Argentina, til the next time we meet!)

Next up is the last country we visit on this amazing trip of a lifetime, Braaasiiiiill…

Hugs & Besos

James & Quene

3 Responses to “Buenos Aires (2) & Iguazu”
  1. admin 25 September 2006 at 12:19 am #

    Due to a problem on the bootsnall.com database server, many of the posts and comments were lost from 17th August – 22nd September, I´ve pasted in a cached copy of comments for this particular post below:

    James & Quene Says:

    September 5th, 2006 at 5:29 pm
    Hi Larry ,
    Just testing … let see if it comes up

    Posted from Brazil
    b Says:

    September 6th, 2006 at 6:48 am
    hola churri,

    al nene se le ven ojos de “en cuanto pueda le mango la cámara a la menda”. Eso es lo que le veo en su mirada, otros nenes con los que te has fotografiado tenían más ternura en sus ojos.

    Tus admiradores demandamos alguna foto de algún beso que le diste a algún animalillo en Iguazu. De cachondeo podríamos hacer recopilación de fotos en las que das besitos a los animales más increíbles.

    No me dijiste si pudiste acceder al video que elio y yo grabamos para ti.

    Cuándo llegais a madrizzz?

    En 7 días Elio cumple… 10 años!



    Posted from Spain
    Larry Says:

    September 6th, 2006 at 11:14 pm
    Oh well!

    My message is lost forever! Anyway…..

    Can’t believe that it’s only been 13 months since I met you in Dublin. That seems years ago – so much has happened in between. You’ve packed in a lifetime of travel in that time!

    Enjoy the last leg! And take care…..


    Posted from Hong Kong
    Beita Says:

    September 7th, 2006 at 11:15 am
    Que pasa pivonex!!!!!!

    Se os hecha de menos pendones…. a ver cuando venis.. jeje, vais a terminar con sobre dosis de diversión jajaja. (no se si eso existe.. jejeje

    Ya os contaré los detalles de las notas, que no es algo de lo que me sienta lo suficientemente orgullosa como para publicarlo. okis?

    Bueno peqes que mil besos y que os cuideis…

    Posted from Spain
    Beita ota vez Says:

    September 7th, 2006 at 11:22 am
    Por cierto James, te queda mucho mejor la barba, esta mas wapo.. jeje

    Si a ti Quene no te gusta, a mi sí… mola como le queda. jeje
    Estais mu wapos los dos

    Mas besos

    Posted from Spain
    James & Quene Says:

    September 10th, 2006 at 5:55 am
    Hola a todos desde San Paolo..
    Aqui estamos en el hostal falando portuñonglis con gente de todos los lados..
    No pude acceder al video lo intentare desde otro ordenador.
    El niño ese me dada mucha pena, tenia la edad de Elio, su madre murio cuando era joven, no tenia dedos en la mano izquierda, pide para sacar adelante a sus dos hermanitas ya que el trabajo de su padre no les daba ni para pipas..
    No iba a la escuela y no tenia ni zapatos.. nos lo encontramos varias veces y nos hicimos amigos de el.. en fin
    Tengo que subir mas fotos, una de los sacaperros en BA..(gente que pasea perros , van con 7 u 8 perros, me parecio una profesion muy divertida).
    Tengo una collectio de perritos de cada rincon del mundo, ya veras una foto que hice ayer aqui.. que risa!
    Si que le queda bien la barba, en uyuni hacia tanto frio que hasta la barba parecia que abrigaba mas… y con agua fria no es muy facil afeitarse.
    No sabemso cuando vamos a volver, la idea de dos inviernos seguidos no nos parece interesante, asi que vamos a ver que hacemos.
    Hi Larry,
    This trip has been so amazing, that we dont wan´t it to finish (we are not ready yet to come back) we have to think what to do next.
    Very often we remember when we went out in HK and came back completely pist to the hotel and try make James to walk strait on the corredor.. that was so funny…!
    Say hello to the class we miss them..!

    Blanca senior,
    El aquete que ha llegado esperabamos que llegase en 2 meses, asi que no pusimos ninguna explicacion de que es para quien, algunas cosas son de James asi que antes de repartir preguntad..
    San Paulo es increiblemente grande, precios de Europa, muy rico culturalmente estamos aprendiendo mucho aparte de portuñonglis.
    Ate logo

    Posted from Brazil
    Nadine Says:

    September 11th, 2006 at 5:15 am
    Hi Guys,

    I cannot believe you are still in South America, what a trip! No news really, I guess you heard that Steve Irwin(Croc Hunter) was killed by a stingray in Port Douglas last week, very sad. The weather is crap here at the mo, raining for a week – non stop! Bring back the sunshine. 5th anniversary today of Sept 11th, where has the time gone!

    Family all good, did you hear Sabina is pregnant – due at Christmas, its her birthday this week – the big 30. Dads birthday too this week – the big 65! He is back at work and not taking it easy(whats new!).

    Well, keep up the safe travel and hopefully we will see you in guys in Ireland in June/July.
    Nadine xx

    Posted from Australia
    b Says:

    September 11th, 2006 at 9:27 am
    joder, qué flipe… seguro que ese nene sabe mucho más de la vida que yo… tenía una viveza en la mirada soberbia…

    yo estoy coleccionando tus besitos a todos los bichos del mundo… si no tengo la de tu beso a un cocodrilo no te apures, no pasa nada…

    quiero ahorrar para poder ir a verte a buenos aires, me lo he propuesto, incluso se me ha pasado el miedo a volar sobre el atlántico. he abierto una cuenta y voy a hacer todo lo posible por aprovechar que estás allí… ya vamos hablando de ello.

    beso, xeitosa…


    Posted from Spain
    Richie Says:

    September 11th, 2006 at 9:37 am
    Hey Spoons,
    Watched “The motor cycle diaries” and thought of you guys. Gotta keep away from films like that and your blog actually. Must resist the travelling bug, dammit everytime I’m home for a couple of months I get that bug and can’t resist and next thing you know I’ve been in Oz or NZ or somewhere for 2 years going how did this happen again?

    You won’t believe this but someone else offered to “Adopt” me again on Saturday night. Friend of friend started calling me son etc. he even had red hair which was bit freaky to be honest but v. funny still. I must attract that type, though the facial expressions didn’t top my old pop. C yis soon. Oh yeah it was actually a Brazillian DJ set at the Dublin Fringe Festival where it happened, FRRReaky! .

    Posted from United States
    Agustin y cia Says:

    September 11th, 2006 at 9:58 am
    Hola ciudadanos del mundo. Seguro que habeis ido cogiendo (quiero decir aprendiendo, porque lo de “coger” tiene un significado diferente al castellano, pregunta, pregunta) aprendiendo todo lo bueno de esos maravillosos paises que habeis visitado.
    Ya he vuelto de la fiesta de la Mama Pacha-Carrasca.
    No tengais prisa en venir, aunque os echemos de menos

    Posted from United States
    Q&J Says:

    September 12th, 2006 at 12:20 pm
    Tenemos que mirar lo de la visa, pero no creo que haya problema, en teoria estaremos hasta que en el hemisferio sur llegue el otoño y en Europa la primavera.. pero ya iremos viendo.
    aqui el tiempo ha mejorado (chanclas y camisetad tirantes, asi es como nos gusta)
    La razon po la que cambia el tiempo asi tan rapido es por que sube una corriente fria de la antartica (justo en la jorobilla donde esta Brasil) equivalente a la crriente caliente que va hacia Irlanda desde el Golfo de Mexico.

    En Argentina coger es una palabrota que no se puede decir, y yo lo decia una y otra vez (coger el autobus, coger esto lo otro.. ) fue un ejercicio de buscar rapido un verbo que signifique lo mismo pero que corresponda, como tomar el autobus alli es correcto..
    Si volvemos tendre que volver a controlar o se echaran unas risas conmigo..

    Hi Nadine,
    good to hear from you, yea heard about Steve Irwin, was oin the news here too, was kinda surprised it wasn´t a crocodile though… When you play with dangerous animals… Tell Sabina happy birthday, and I cannot believe she´s 30…And happy birthday to your dad too, now that he´s 65 shouldn´t he be taking it easy??? Christmas is only 4 months away, wow! Wish her all the best from us! In Sao Paolo right now, hopefully get the next post done today or tomorrow so keep tuned! Really thinking of staying a bit longer over here, don´t think we´d take the winter back home, and summer is just around the corner here, already 30´C here yesterday, might stay longer to enjoy the summer down here!

    Yea the Motorcycle Diaries is a great movie, we really felt like Che when we were in Bolivia looking at how poor the people are. Read his diaries of when he was leading the fight against the dictatorship there, interesting stuff. You know travel broadens the mind, so don´t resist that travel bug, give into it and you´ll be a better person for it! Might keep you from running into fake ´dads´ too!´ Hey freaky coincidence about the Brazilian dj set, maybe that´s gonna be your next stop, you know we´ll be in Rio in a week or 2…

    Take care folks!
    Besos para todos!

    James & Quene

    Posted from Brazil
    Richie Says:

    September 12th, 2006 at 3:11 pm
    hmmm I think I’ll just be the other bloke and work on my beer gut , let you guys take over a country and then come work as your chief consultant in bullology! lol.

    Posted from United States
    Pumerio Says:

    September 12th, 2006 at 10:44 pm
    Hola chicos. Finally llegó la postal de Bolivia, muy chula.

    Si no sabéis donde ir… el verano se acerca y la Patagonia está para quedarse hasta currando. Sabiendo idiomas encontráis curro fijo (si es que os interesa) y así vamos nosotros a visitaros a vuestra cabaña frente a las montañas ¿no?

    Disfrutad del calorcito y mandad un poco a contracorriente.

    Sigo de traje y corbata. Besotes.

    Posted from Argentina
    James & Quene Says:

    September 12th, 2006 at 11:11 pm
    Pues el numero estaba mal asi que han tenido que currarselo los de correos para encontraros.
    Pues no habiamos pensado en la Patagonia aunque si en Argentina , pero si que es una buena idea..po BA pasaremos de vuelta , creo que el vuelo a Madrid lo va a “tomar ” su tia.
    Aqui estamos nuestra ultima noche en Sao Paulo, nos ha gustado un monton , aunque es tan grande que te pasas caminando todo el dia.. vaya precios tambien , aqui la plata tiene alitas ..porque vuela.
    Que tal la vuelta al curro?? Sindrome de lunes ..martes…miercoles…etc??
    Bueno seguimos haciendo el siguente post….escuchando Pandora por cierto.
    Nos leemos!!

    Posted from Brazil
    James & Quene Says:

    September 12th, 2006 at 11:16 pm
    Como mañana nos vamos a pasar el dia en un bus destino a alguna playa bonita … y no sabemos si habra internet o telefonos .. te felicito desde aqui.
    A ver si te escribes unas lineas y me cuentas cosas.. te he mandado un paquete …llegara en 15 dias mas o menos ..
    Besos pa toos

    Posted from Brazil
    Larry Says:

    September 13th, 2006 at 2:02 am
    Yes I remember well James’ drunken state – he’s a funny drunk! And to think I went to work immediately after we finished carrying him to bed!

    Towards the end of last year, I didn’t get a chance to show the students the blog. But I did tell them to have a look at home, and some do still check, and ask how you are doin! So big ‘hello’ from all here! I guess that they’re shy about writing posts. It was easier when they had that personal one-to-one contact with ya!

    Sitting in the staff room here staring at a computer screen (that much is obvious eh?), wishing I was somewhere else – beach in Brazil would be nice! Next hol will be around Christmas. I was diving again around Phuket in July, and might head back there again and do an advanced course. It’s cheap and the conditions are good! Going forward can’t wait to get out to some more exotic locations. I’m still in love with diving….

    HK life is good! HAve had a lot of visitors over! That’s been great and busy otherwise with work, playing ball, and enjoying some banter when I have the time! Gotta much bigger circle of friends now. HK is a good place to live when you take away the pollution and the typhoon warnings (about every second day at the moment)!

    Cristine I haven’t managed to flog that painting that you gave me yet! Get famous soon! I wanna can quit workin….

    Enjoy, enjoy!! Wish I was there…….

    Posted from Hong Kong
    James & Quene Says:

    September 13th, 2006 at 12:36 pm
    ?Hi Larry,

    Mmmm, that was a good night out in HK, nice city you live in, good to hear you´re making the most of it! We hope to get a bit of diving when we head out to the coast, Buzios, past Rio is supposed to be a good spot, and this time of year the waters are really clear. So maybe take a advanced course myself too!
    Cristina´s still taking lots of pics, though not so many here in Sao Paolo, gotta be careful! Plenty of material already, just need to sit still in one spot and concentrate on the painting!

    A big `HI´ to all of Mr. Finnerty´s students, if you´re reading leave a comment and say ´Hi´, it would be nice to hear from you guys!

    Take care!
    James & Quene

    Posted from Brazil
    Ruairi Says:

    September 19th, 2006 at 5:38 pm
    James you have such grace and poise on the dance floor. Like a young Yuri Gargarin….
    Ahahahahahh…..awe stop it…

    Posted from United Kingdom

  2. anonymous 15 March 2009 at 11:23 pm #

    I liked the post and your writing style. I’m adding you to my RSS reader.

  3. J&Q 27 August 2009 at 12:59 pm #

    Thanks for the comment, glad you like the blog! We need to do some more big trips so we can keep growing the blog!

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