Day 5 Venice
Where: Conegliano
When: Thursday, Sept. 8, 2005
Today we all got up around 8 or so. Actually closer to 9. Maria had prepared a wonderfull breakfast with lots of fruits. I played the eggman. I guess somethings don’t change, even when you’re halfway around the world. Joe L and Steve F would know what I’m talking about.
After breakfast we went to Venice.
At Venice we did alot of window shopping. Bought some scarfs and laces. No not shoe laces. But those that you place on tables.
The city is less crowded today that the other times that I’ve been here. Deanne and her parents went to see St Marks church and went up the tower to get a great view of the city. It only took them probably and hour and a half to do both. The lines were short at each venue. We all then took a gondola ride which lasted for an hour. Got back on the train and went to Vito’s parents for dinner.
Leo and Zelda (Vito’s parents) were very gracious hosts. We had several red wines, blueberry dessert wine and proseco (Italian Champagne, although better). Almost all of the food we had tonight were from their gardens. The eggplants were very delicious. The polenta with cheese was great. The soup was excellent. The meal was excellent. We even tried some figs from their trees. They’re in season. The dinner lasted for 2hrs. Very typical here. We also had great convesation about soap and tv. My sister acted as the interpreter which worked out well.
We home called it the night after a very long day.
Got our tickets to Vienna. We leave early Sat. morning to Treviso. Change train and cathch a Eurostar train to Vienna. Should be in Vianna around 2pm. Awesome!!!
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