Happy New Year
Sydney Harbor
Originally uploaded by Flackattack.
2006-What a year. Looking back it is hard to believe that the year started with me in Virginia Beach, VA waiting for the 30 day waiting period to end and my divorce to become final. Then in the months that followed I spread word of my plans to my friends, sold/bartered/gave away/and tossed my possessions, got the house on the market in April, sold it in May, closed on it in June, put in my three weeks notice at RFMD the next day, and spent July living in Steve and Kristy’s basement while sorting the last of my Greensboro business. Then after taking care of my Philly business the fun really started.
I am amazed at how well the past 41/2 months have gone. I have seen and done and experienced more than I have in years. I’ve met more people from more places and learned more about everything than I ever could have living my old life. Travelling alone has also been quite revealing as well. Living the hostel life I am really only as alone as I want to be because there is always someone I could meet to do something. My daily struggle is trying to incorporate the Zen philosophy of living in the present. The shoulduvs, coulduvs and woulduvs of the past are irrelevant, and my future is evolving everyday in ways that I certainly couldnt have predicted a year, a month, or even a week ago. In the final analysis I like to believe that if you are ok with where you are at the present, then there can be no regrets about the past. And I am quite ok.
As 2007 begins I would like to wish everyone a very healthy, happy New Year. Try and make 2007 the best year of your life. I know I will.
Cheers. Howard
Tags: Travel
We are very happy for you. We want to wish everyone a happy new year as well. I hope 2007 Will be as greeat as 2006 was for you. Cheers, Ken & Ellen
Very inspiring Howard!