BootsnAll Travel Network

Back in Chiang Mai

I took the same rickety bus back, and had two seats to myself for half of it, before a thai man came down next to me holding what i was fantasising to be a bomb. on the way the thai army brought out drug sniffing dogs, something that didn’t happen the last time. it was hard to leave pai, and chiang mai is the same as it was. i know it like the… top of my foot, not as well as the back of my hand but close. it’s a good place to visit, pai is a good place to live.

i ate dinner at a food stall directly across from a sad middle aged american and his thirteen year old girlfriend. after dinner i took another seat and rolled a cigarette in front of a ten year old. i wondered which one set the worse example. there are no “no prosititution” signs all over america, maybe they are, i’ve never seen them. they wouldn’t need them except maybe vegas, but in thailand it might actually do some good.

the buses to the golden triangle weren’t running when i got in, so this visit is by circumstance and not by good will. i shall wait out my time and carry on. I’ll be in Laos in two days or so.


One response to “Back in Chiang Mai”

  1. Dave says:

    John, my man, your quest has enthralled me and taken me out of what I thought was a rough time here in simple Santa Cruz. But to hear about your travels and this amazing experience that your are creating easily takes me out of my trivial sorrows. I miss you man, but I know that you’re gaining amazing knowledge about yourself and the world that I really and truly envy and will for some time, until I see you again and you bestow this wisdom upon me. It’s awesome to see and hear your journey, I look forward to reading more and seeing you in a month 1/2,
    Fare thee well, mystic traveler.

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