BootsnAll Travel Network

Another $5.50 view.


I left Sarisa’s place and got series of pickup-taxi (sawganthew) to Bo Khai. It is about 2 miles from the site of the full moon party. There are many more tourists over here, and I like it, for once. Hua-Hin had a gigantic Hilton, many tourists that I did not really care to see. Over here, there are younger people with a mellower attitude. This is what happens when you get further and further away from Bangkok. I am in a much more populated place, and Sarisa is working the party tonight so I hope to see her there.

I had marooned myself of a desolate stretch of beach with Sarisa. The possibly of conversation was much lower, and I got somewhat lonely. In retrospect, I think it was needed to fully settle-down in this country. My new sandals have dictated a change in perspective, what happens to the mind when the feet are free!



3 responses to “Another $5.50 view.”

  1. Hi John, Thanks to you we have cancelled our subscription to the newspaper. We just turn on the comouter and read on. Thanks for the daily updates. I am surprised that you have so much access to the internet, not really third world after all or is it? Whats next with all this access to so much information. Now the whole world knows you can rent a room near a pristine beach for 5.50, Hawaii in the 1930’s? Have fun Martin linda

  2. Hatti says:

    Can’t wait to hear the tale of the full moon party, though I am predicting you will find it a bit over the top and not so much fun to be jostled by thousands of people. Your travel tales are bringing back many happy memories of my own. It’s wonderful to travel solo, and opens up many more opportunities to meet people. Sounds like you are taking full advantage! Looking forward to the next installment!

  3. Justin says:

    Hey John,

    I’m still following your blogs and thoroughly enjoying hearing of your adventures and seeing the pictures.


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