90 Days-Heres A Little Inspiration
August 24th, 2005August 24, 2005
3 Months..90 Days..2160 hours..and I don’t know how many minutes or seconds because I suck at math. I could do it, but do I want to?…No, no I don’t. Time is ticking and I’m super excited. I only have a few things left to do till I’m set. Travel necessities are purchased for the most part. I still need to obtain my non-immigrant-B Visa..I think thats the one, and I need to get my travel shots. I’m on the fence with if I should take Malaria medication? It’s recommended but from a lot of people that I’ve spoken to they say that it makes you feel super shitty. I don’t know who I’m kidding though, I’ll take it..pretty much because mosquitoes eat me like its their job. Speaking of meds..so for some extra money lately..on top of the 2 jobs I already have I have began to participate in medical studies. Before you all call me a douche bag just wait a second. The side effects are miniscule..headaches, dry mouth, nausea…and can I note that I didn’t experience any of that sexiness neither did the other 48 particpants for the one study that I’m in now. We’re good to go. I’m only going to do a couple more before I go to Thailand for some cash flow because I don’t want to have to worry about money once I get there. Plus, I’m renting an apartment down there so things will get costly. I rethink and revise my plan daily so I’m not going to post what I want to do now, I’m just going to let you all know when I actually do it. Suspenseful to say the least..yeah. Back to my medical study stuff…I would also like to note that if you do choose to participate in one do it with a friend. I didn’t and suffered the consequences. I wonder if these people are the way they are because of all the studies they’ve participated in and if I’m just looking at my future self when I look into their eyes. They are all creepers. No other word to describe it. C-R-E-E-P-E-R-S. The women for the most part are good, but the men have this like leery I want to molest you look in their eyes when you’re talking to them. Ok, not all of them, but most of them, true story I swear. And by most of them I’m thinking of two, one Brazilian boy who is backpacking through Canada and one other 30 year old 100 pound 6foot tall white boy. I’ve decided that I’m just going to start being creepy back…start talking about marriage and children..see how they like it. That will teach them. So this blog about my travels is now about life as it exists today apparently..read up lovers. To make you all realize how beautiful Thailand is I’ll post some pictures for your viewing pleasure. If any of you write back with ridiculous comments such as “you’re going to get raped and killed” or like my lovely mom said “I’m going to have to have your body mailed back home!” we are no longer friends. Seriously, just enjoy the pictures..allow it.