BootsnAll Travel Network

Samara and Carrillo – Day 4 cont’d

I searched for sea shells while everyone else got some sun…we swam and walked, and just enjoyed the gorgeous day and clear, beautiful water. Around 3pm, we decided to head back and try to find something to eat and/or drink. While I absolutely LOVE the fact that there are no hotels or restaurants or bars to detract from the beauty of Carrillo, I was really, really thirsty too. 🙂

We started the walk back towards Samara, and saw a local man heading down a dirt road. I asked him if the road went to Samara and he said yes. We were hoping for some sort of short cut, and he led us down the road took us right to the beach. Samara and Carrillo are separated by a big cliff (you can see it in the Carrillo pictures) and we were happy to walk along the beach instead of the road. Before we got to the beach, Andrea spotted the first monkey of our trip!!!

Sorry for the monkey balls.

We walked down the beach toward Samara(which would have been much shorter, but that’s okay) and found another beach side bar/restaurant. I immediately ordered a frozen watermelon drink after seeing a nearby table with them.


The bar, fisherman, a big fish, and the sunset…
Big fish

After a few drinks, two local Ticos came over to talk with us. Bilo (pronounced Bee-low) didn’t speak English, but was extremely animated and could communicate with a bit of sign language and his friend’s help. His friend’s name is Ivan (Eebahn) and he spoke a little English. That, combined with our Costa Rican phrase book and our limited Spanish, made it possible for the 6 of us to have quite a rowdy conversation. Ivan was hilarious and kept saying “Beautiful! My God, man!” with a little kiss to his fingers. They told us how the locals on the Nicoya Peninsula were much better than other places along the Pacific coast. We were told to be careful of our stuff (cameras and such) because people (in other parts of the coast) would pretend to be our friend and then steal our stuff. But on the Nicoya Peninsula, they really wanted to be your friend and would not steal from you. It was very interesting! Bilo kept buying us drinks, but we had to leave in order to secure our travel plans to the other side of the country (for the next morning). We reluctantly said goodbye to our new friends…

James and Ivan

We found out we could take the public bus to San Jose (for about $4/pp!), and I called a private driver that I had emailed with a few months before. He agreed to have someone transfer us from San Jose to Puerto Viejo ($40/pp), so our plans worked out very well. Thank goodness. James and I decided to go to Pizza and Pasta a Go-Go for a late dinner (our late lunch at the bar was a disappointing spaghetti in what seemed like cilantro ketchup) and Andrea and Jay decided to go out for some drinks. The pizza was FANTASTIC, and we sat by the pool and talked about the wonderful day we just had. We checked out the bus time, I bought a few pieces of jewelry, and we went back to the room to repack our bags and go to bed early. I think Jay and Andrea stumbled in around 2am. hehe.


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