Sayonara Japan
The permanence of my departure from Japan has left me switching back and forth between feelings of excitement and apprehension. I’ve left plenty of places, but there’s always been some kind of physical anchor left behind, something to make me feel like I have to return. Since my girlfriend is moving to Portland, that anchor’s gone too. As I’ve spent the week packing up boxes I know Japan isn’t my home anymore.
my backpack,
and a huge stack of Chinese cash we used to play poker with last year.
I was the only one among my friend’s willing to buy the gambling stack and I never got around to changing it before I left. Good thing I’m going back.
I was the only one among my friend’s willing to buy the gambling stack and I never got around to changing it before I left. Good thing I’m going back.
This trip is unique in that I have the most freedom in my travels and route. No flights are booked, and trains and boats will be the transportation of choice. I head to Tokyo tomorrow night, then to Osaka by night bus. I’ll spend one day and night in Osaka, then catch the Tuesday ferry to Shanghai.
Tags: Eurasia: Marco Polo-in' it, Trip preparation/departure
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