Let’s get going already!
Saturday, April 1st, 2006 It’s been months of hard work fixing up and selling our house, buying necessary gear (and perhaps some not so necessary) for the trip, packing our possessions (not to mention getting rid of truckloads of garbage one tends to accumulate over time). It truly is quite amazing the ‘stuff’ we save ‘just in case’. Hopefully when we return from this trip we can simplify our lives greatly.
Disconnecting ourselves from ‘normal’ society proves more difficult than it may sound. I swear we are hooked up intravenously to the system and need government approval to detatch ourselves from each money tube. Cancel this insurance, get that insurance, cancel that direct debit, post date checks for storage, arrange debit for credit cards, cancel cable, phone, hydro, electricity, gas, house insurance and the list goes on. Arrange airline tickets, get innoculations, buy visas-yes I said buy-you have to buy the privilege of visiting some countries. We needed to do all our dentistry get all our prescriptions, see the eye doctor, arrange travel insurance and CAA. On top of all that we naturally needed to plan our trip in fair detail. Anyway, I’m sure you all get the picture…it’s been a lot of work but on the bright side this winter just whipped by!!!