BootsnAll Travel Network

Its a big world!!

August 4th, 2005

create your own visited country map
or check our Venice travel guide

Found this cool website were you can put in the places you have been and it generates a map, lets see how much I can fill!!!! only 3% so far poor…


Random pics i’ve taken!!

August 3rd, 2005

I really do have more hair than this…..


4 Weeks and counting

August 3rd, 2005

Well the title says it all, been planning this since March, three months in SE Asia……. Well folks this is gonna be my little bit of the web were I can make notes of where I am, who I meet and were Im planning to go…… My understaning of this is for ever post I write you will be able to leave me comments if you so choose and Im sure will be appreciated whilst on my travels.
As and when I can I will get photo’s uploaded on here to. Laters…
P.S if you prefer to email me:

” He who dares!! “
