BootsnAll Travel Network

Las Vegas – Nevada


Well this is a very quick update and will sort the last few posts out and photo’s when I have more time.

So I’ve been in Las Vegas for 3 days now and slept for about 8 hours max in total. What a place!!!!

Free drinks, thats any drink you can think of free, hell ye….. guess they want to get you drunk so you blow your cash. There has been 8 of us this weekend, Cathy stayed in LA as she is here for here birthday next month but she is driving like 500 miles today to pick us up and we are gonna stay here for 1 more night before heading back to LA.

So I started the weekend with $500 and now Im $2000 up and stopped betting on blackjack.

Update and pic’s

 I cant express how much fun vegas was, beating it also made it great, 4 days of madness, drinking, eating, $%&%$ and leaving with money that paid for the whole trip, priceless.





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No Responses to “Las Vegas – Nevada”

  1. Ray Says:

    Watch they don’t put your head in a vice!!

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