Happy New Year 2006 from New York
Got into New york at 1pm on the 31.12.05 and headed to Grand Cental Station to meet up with Cathy.
It’s been a couple of years since Iv’e been here here but what a great place it’s not changed a bit. We met up easily and headed off to pick up or tickets for New Years Party at Webster Hall which is on the Westside around 67th street. We paid $150 each for our tickets for this party, it was for “free” drinks from 8pm till 4am and the place was open till 9am.
We then headed out to Cathy’s friend Desiree’s apartment to drop my stuff off before heading out shopping to find Cathy a top for the night, after shopping in HM which is next to Bloomingdales we got home and grabbed our stuff to move to another of Cathy’s friends Graces apartment. Grace was realy nice and put us up before we headed to a party in their friends apartment near Time Square. We headed to the party at like 6pm and Time Square was closed of by the police, road blocks ever and so many people just waiting for midnight. It was snowing and I would not have fancied hangging around for like 6 hours, you cant drink on the streets, no where to use the bathroom, would be hell. We struggled for a while trying to get through the road blocks before one very helpfull NYPD officer gave us an escort on foot through the police areas straight to the apartment. The party was for the engagement of Jane and Leon so of Cathys friends from Stanford, the views from their balcony
were cool and you could see time square all lit up.
After a few beers we had to leave and head off on the subway to the westside around 64th street to find Webster Hall. We got there about 9.30 pm and to our horror the que went on for about two blocks. The worst of it was that although it had stopped snowing it was cold. Its also against the law to drink on the streets, so what ya gonna do?? We drank a few beers from brown paper bags like proper New York bums. We stood in line for 2 and a half hours….. there was a little entertainment whilst we waited,
met some girls from out of town who we later met up with.
So I paid $150 for my ticket which ment “free” drinks from 8pm till 4am and the place was open till 9am. We decided that Cathy should have the $125 ticket which meant you could drink till 1am when we eventually reached the door and they were putting the different coloured wrist bands on us I suggested they give Cathy a silver one the same as me due to the time we had been in line, to my supprise the dude agreed and gave her the $150 wrist band, if you dont ask!!!
We got in and no lie had only 10 seconds untill the New Year count down, there was a huge baloon drop and we then danced the night away and drank untill around 4am. The place had around 12 bars over four floors but was so full and it did take a while to get your drinks, but hey you can have fun or let it ruin your night.
After 4am we decided to head out of the club although we had no where to sleep as we was meetin up with Cathy’s friend Grace in the morning. Drunk and cold what do you do at 4.30am in New York City???? of course we went to sleep in a bank, you know the ones where you swipe your card and get access to the lobby. We slept for an hour before we just got too cold and decided to head down to the subway where we got on the train and slept for 2 hours waking up in Coney Island, all good fun.
Tags: New York, Travel, Webster Hall
January 9th, 2006 at 7:10 am
10 seconds! That was a close shave. Glad you had a good night. At least you managed a bit of shelter in your drunken haze. Who took the photo? A kindly tramp? Reminds me of the time I was out of it in Birmingham at the SC do and a couple of WPC’s woke me up on the pavement (sidewalk). F-f-freezing. Party on dude.