And Now the End is Near….Well for a month anyway!!
So the last few days in Ko Phangan were certainly interesting!!!! Storms like Ive never seen, it rained for over two days none stop and we are talking torential not just light rain. Peoples houses were flooded upto there first floor, cars under water, rivers running accross roads, lightning and thunder that shook the ground but no wind, so the storm just sat there right on top of us.
Lucky my tickets to Bangkok were for the 26th because 24/25 you could not leave the island due to the weather.
Read an artical in a magazine to saying that Thailand ha the 2nd highest number of deaths per year caued by lightening…. Well although no sun for my last few days of Island life at least it was warm and omething different and made riding my motorbike more fun navigating my way over roads and avoiding floating tree, goats etc
Well Im back i Bangkok again now and the weather here is alot better. Another memorable train ride and of course the obligatory party carrige. I met Lynn from Scotland, Dave ( Wayne Rooney double, all the Thai’s thought he was ) and James from England, Vee from Thailand and her Autralian boyfriend Ben. We drank and partied till about 1am before they kicked us out and we had to sleep.
Its now monday night here 9.20pm and in 24 hours from now I should be over 1 hour into my flight home 🙁
Heading out now for my last night in Thailand, do I make it count or be sensible and worry about getting up and packing and checking out my hotel at midday??? Lets just see what happens.
Some good news……. Looks like Im spending New Years Eve in New York and going on a road trip accross America with the following itinery:
New York
New Jersey
Washington D.C.
North Carolina
South Carolina
(Maybe Mexico!)
New Mexico
and then upto San Francisco before I fly home
So least I have less than a month of English Weather when I get home and it will keep my blog going too, Wahoooo I hear you all cry!!!!!!
Ayhows lat night and Im til here doing this…… Laters….
Tags: Travel
November 29th, 2005 at 1:32 am
hell yea you are coming to the states. we are gonna tear this sh*t up baby!!!
December 12th, 2005 at 6:26 pm
Hello, I have a strange request…
I found this blog when I was emailing “Full Moon Party Videos” for November 2005. I realise that this is not a site that sells the DVD’s, but I’m having trouble tracking one down from November. I was wondering if it would be at all possible for you to send me a copy – I’ll pay you. It’s a surprise present for a friend that was travelling there and left before she had a chance to pick one up. Please, please, please help me out! Anyways, email me back either way. Cheers!!!