BootsnAll Travel Network

Pool Hustle


So last night I tried my first bit of pool hustling. I was playing pool with some thai girls when I was approached by an older Swiss guy who wanted to play me for money, he looked pretty drunk and I was on Nam ( water ) so I thought what the hell, lets have some fun. We played firstly for 1000 Baht each ( about 14 pounds ) I let him win, I dint even pot a ball so he won 2 – 0. I then asked for a re match 2000 Baht each so he agreed again I potted nothing and he won 2 – 0. He was pretty full of himself by now and kept celebrating with his wife in the corner.

So Im now 3000 Baht down and things were going as planned I looked a little desperate and saw he had lots of cash on him and said lets play for real money 10000 Baht each, he jumbed at the chance….. By now we had quite a few spectaters and a pot with 20000 Baht in it ( over 280 pounds or $560 )

20000 Baht here is like two months wages to the locals, one of the girls from behind the bar held onto the money while we played another best of 3 game. Tommy broke and got off to a good start and the game came down to the black and I lost, gutted was not the word…. So I had to win the last two games. I broke and potted two spots from the break and could not have got a better lay of the balls, first time in ages I won a game from the break and he never got a shot, I cleared up in one go, you should have seen his face…..

The third game….

By now we both had a sweat on, the music was load, Red Hot Chillies, I was feeling good. He broke and potted a couple and the game went backwards and forwards untill I needed the black and he had one ball left before he could go for the black. Tommy played a saftey shot leaving the white at one end and the black at the furthest end. I decided to try the full length of the table double, nominated the pocket and got down to take the shot.

It seemed like I was there for ages but when I played the shot I knew it had a chance, played it slow and the black came rolling down the table towards the pocket and got to the edge a just dropped in dead weight. I won 2-1 wahoo. There was plenty of cheering from the Thai’ and myself, Tommy didnt look very well at this point but I bought him a Beer, least I could do. I bought everyone a beer which cost all of about 7 pounds and a Korean BBQ, which is like all you can eat for just under 2 pounds. I had a couple of beers and headed home.


England is getting closer…. Tonight is my farewell party to Thailand, Im going to a Half Moon Party with an Austrian guy and French guy. It’s to take place half way up a mountain in the jungle and should be totally mad. Only problem is is that it’s 4.35pm here now and it’s rained all day, so not looking good for tonight. No idea on the number of people going either although I know it’s no way as big as the FMP on Haad Rin Beach.


4 Responses to “Pool Hustle”

  1. Ray Says:

    That’s a pretty good story. Paul Newman – eat your heart out. Glen will be proud of ya. Must only be 3-4 days now before you come back by my reckoning. It’s freezing here! According to the tellybox, its gonna be -10 today with the windchill. Brrrr. Hard winter in store as well apparently. That’s so British – I’ve just realised, I’ve started talking about the weather! All day/night drinking has just come in Bert over here so you’ll be alright, lol. Catch u soon.

  2. cathy Says:

    wth is your problem? is this what you do when you don’t have me around? tsk tsk. that girl emailed me and said that her car was full but she said i sounded more like the type of person she wanted to do the cross country thing with. we’re gonna chat on the phone and i’m gonna try to work out a deal where we can both go or no one goes. sounds good?

  3. Posted from United States United States
  4. cathy Says:

    by the way…”wth” means “what the hell.” i just realized i was speaking in american shorthand to you. sorry!

  5. Posted from United States United States
  6. Johanna Says:

    Hi B, Hope you are well?? I think you must be comming home soon?! When your back give me a call and maybe we can meet up so you can tell me all your stories. I was gutted that my computer broke for 6 whole weeks but I think I have now caught up with all of the blog entries …. took some reading !!

    Its great that you managed to keep it up … (So to speak) !!

    Im sure your head is now full of may more fantistic memories to treasure for the rest of your life.

    Enjoy the rest of your time and have a safe journey home.

    See you soon

    Jo x

  7. Brett Says:

    Hi all,

    Ray its now 2.45 am on monday, will be home in 1 day 🙁

    Jo, still missin ya and need to catch up before christmas because Im off again now accross the USA, seems like ages ago since Playa De Las Americas, Tennerife, hope your not working too hard, you got any time off before Christmas??

    Cathy, I will see you soon mate in NYC for New Years eve and the road trip!!!

  8. Posted from Thailand Thailand
  9. Johanna Says:


    Sorry to hear your missing me!!! could see you weekend of 17th dec maybe ???
    You must be home now …just tried to call though and no answer !!!

    Speak soon

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