BootsnAll Travel Network

Nha Trang, Vietnam

Well the bus drive went well as I slept through most of it arriving in Nha Trang at around 8am ish. The bus drove us to a local guest house which was nice. The Lotus hotel, 2 pounds a night, fridge, cable tv, balcony, en-suite. Cant complain for that sort of money.

We headed out hiring pushbikes and blasted around the town. The beaches here are so quiet and nice, guess vietnam isnt really seen as a beach resort.

We came accross this little religious Island that was accessible by boat. The boat was like a turtle shell, or like a round soup bowel. We hired it and asked the driver to watch the bikes as I would paddle to the Island, Great idea I thought….

You tried to paddle a round boat in the sea, we went around in circles quite a few times much to the amusement of the owner on shore before I started to get the hang of it and eventually got us accross. It was so hot and it nearly killed me after spending 30 minutes on the Island we headed back. Didnt fancy the paddeling in the heat so tied the boat to me and swam back, much easier…

After getting lost a few times we saw most of Nha Trang and headed home.

We headed out that evening heading to a bar called the Sailing Club. On the way we stopped off for street food which as normal was great and soooo cheap, I opted for pork noodles. Cathy had the pigs foot which I couldnt look at let alone eat.

We got to the bar and after 3 pints of fosters, a few free shots and 2 baileys we were all wasted and headed home at like 11.30pm, must have been dehydrated.

Monday the 10th…

We all got up late nad had a lazy day, not much to do here. We headed down to the beach and I had my first ever swim in the South China Sea which is so warm. I swam out quite a bit before I realsised I didnt know if there were any sharks around here, god I hate the film Jaws……. I was soon out the water!!!!

Then went and played tennis with Cathy in the hottest conditions ever, we got to 6-6 and she beat me on the Tie Break. The courts here are good and it costs next to nothing to play, you even get a ball boy so you dont have to keep fetching your balls. If loosing to Cathy wasnt bad enough she was tired and we had 20 mins left so I played a 14 year old vietmanese boy who had no shoes who beat me 6 – 0 in 10 minutes. Time for a sharp exit me felt.

That night we headed out alot later and back to the sailing club. Another boozy night meeting loads of people and at 2am heading to another club called Why Not? Got in at 5.30am. The girls were on an Island hoping trip the next morning at 8.30am, I decided to have a day in bed watching films.

We are leaving Nha Trang tonight, heading on a 12 hour bus ride to Hoi An, we leave at 6.30pm tue 11th

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