BootsnAll Travel Network

The Burn Out….. Ho Chi Minh City

Well guys its happened at last……

With the travelling Im doing at the moment and being in Vietnam I just cant keep this blog updated on a daily basis. So think its best from now to try and sumerise my weeks as everyday is not always an adventure and at the mo Im travelling so much theres not a great deal to tell. My photobucket site that holds my pictures for this blog also doesnt seem to be working which means the pics do not appear on here and I cant upload new ones, if the pics are still working for you guys can you let me know please it may be a Vietnam/server problem???????

As I have a few days to catch up on I as stated above will sumerise what Ive been upto and seen, you know what its like when your on holiday, I dont even know what day it is 2day let alone what days things happened on a few days ago.

The second day in Ho Chi Minh saw the 5 of us head out around town visiting markets and taking in the sites. You have never seen traffic like this, motorbikes everywhere. You will have to wait to see some of the video footage Ive taken to believe it!!! You have like no road markings and 20ish lanes of traffic going in every direction. Its a skill to cross these roads but one you need to learn. The art is to just walk into the traffic slowly so they can see you and just go in a straight line and avoid everything, its kinda fun when you get the hang of it. If you dropped me here on my first day of travelling and told me to cross these roads I would have said imposible.

We met up with a Thai girl called Peng who is also visiting Vietnam for the first time, shes on here own in the day because her nephew shes visiting is at work so she spent the day with us.

The markets are great here you can get everything. I bought this fab Tag watch for 15 pounds haggled down from 40 pounds. I will take orders if anyone wants some, they would go for quite a bit on ebay Im sure.

Then the heavans opened and its rained so hard, we all had to buy raincoats as none of us brought ours out apart from Cathy. Everyone went for nice sensible plain colours but I had a daft one on and opted for a light blue one with cartoon pictures of fish, whales, octapus etc on it. Certainly turned a few heads walking around the city in it, the locals couldnt keep a straight face…..

That evening Peng joined up with us as well as her Nephew Sam, Mat, Steph. Ann, Cathy and a couple from Isreal we also met.

Mat and I found a shop selling local rice vodka in unmarked plastic bottles, we bought 3 bottles for the huge sum of 30 pence total. We all sat on our 8th floor roof terrace listening to music and drinking

when Sam asked if we all wanted to go dancing at a night club. Like Im going to say no, we jumped into two taxis and headed out to a night club called Apocalypse Now. It was rammed full, music graet and everyone dancing. The locals kept nudging into Mat and myself and I took this as if they were trying to get us of the dance floor and was getting a bit naffed off to be honest when one of the girls realised we were in a gay club!!!!!! I then never left the side of one of the girls with us all night…..

After that we all headed for food at 2amish and back home.

Sat 8th Oct….

We all got up around lunch time today, weather was poor and none of us fancied doing much.

Cathy and Ann had bought bus tickets for today taking them north to Nha Trang then Hoi An then Hue then Hanoi then sorting out China from Hanoi.

I was bored of Ho Chi Minh City and they asked if I wanted to travel with them, which put me in a mix…. I enjoy the company of the two girls very much as I also enjoy the company of Mat and Steph, I aslo was supposed to be leaving them all to head back to Ko Phangan for the next fullmoon party with team Chang. I could not decide and put it down to a toss of a coin.

Just like that Im heading North through Vietnam with Cathy and Ann now, this traveelin lark is so random. Im now visiting the places named above and am heading into China to see the Great Wall and Forbiden City in Beijing. It works well cause Ive also planned to re meet up with Mat and Steph for Novembers Fullmoon party on the 16th Nov.

Got my bus ticket within and hour and was leaving Ho Chi Minh at 7.45pm on a 12 hour bus ride to Nha Trang which is a Vietmanise beach resort.

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