BootsnAll Travel Network

Day 36, Good Morning Vietnam

Well afternoon to be honest….

Had a late last night and was up at 5.30 2day to sort stuff out and catch bus with Mat and Steph to Vietnam.

Had a very good trip on quite an empty coach. Bit of hanging around at the boarder to sort paperwork out then into Vietnam. Trip took about 8 hours in total and we arrived at the backpacker part of Ho Chi Minh ( formaly Saigon ) Mat and I went in search of acomodation and to find out were Cathy was staying who got in yesterday. We found her in 10 minutes waiting for us were the buses stop ( ours didnt stop there though but we found her )

The fact that she speaks fluent vietnamise comes in real handy when talking to hotel owners, taxis etc…..

We got pounced on by this lovely Vietmanise girl who said we should look at the hostel she runs, after a breif chat we went and followed her down this dark alley, I thought were the hell are we going. Off the main roads here its all very thin alley ways…. We found the guest house, My My Art House. Its amazing…. Brand new, really modern decor and lighting… The 3 of us were going to share a room and she gave us one although the same room beds in different room, 2 tvs, cool lighting system. Probably one of the best hotel rooms Ive ever stayed in and only just over a pound a night each.

We settled in and headed out, met up with Cathy and her friend Ann who she had come here to meet. Ann is Thai but like Cathy lives and schooled in America.
We met up with an Israely couple Sherri and David who we met on the coach trip and headed out.

We ate at a proper Vietmanese place, again Cathy was great sorting and ordering food, there was tons… The onto a few bars.

Ended up playong pool with 2 girls from New York, 2 English guys and us lot all night, getting quite drunk which was ok until I tried getting home and couldnt find the guest house down the alleys, took about 45 minutes at 3.30am in the morning.

Another great night, plann to meet up with the 2 english guys at next full moon party. Gotta start making plans to fly back to Thailand….

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2 Responses to “Day 36, Good Morning Vietnam”

  1. Glen Says:

    Back from the dead and now connected back to the world wide web.
    Its took me a while but I have caught up with all your postings and I have to say you are doing a grand job. I am amazed at how well you are keeping it up to date and not bad detail either. I particularly like Bling Bling man he looks very funny and a bit different to the cab drivers we encounter in walsall. (Check your email for more info).

  2. mom Says:

    hi brett missed talking to you while weve been awaya hope your well and having a great time let me now what youve been up to and where you are now i think i told you weve been to cota del sol had a great holiday just chilled out in the sun every day weather was brill walk around the shops and guess what yes your mom did ten laps of the pool and 300 situps on the weight every day for 14 days good the pool was a lot bigger the the swimming baths so i was proud of my self but i still come home fat all inclusive means you eat to much and drink to much ha ha we meet lots of great friend the first week every body spoke and joined in all games had a graet laugh second week meet joy who was mad but we danced the night away all together ive not spoke to kerry yet tryed to phone tonight but no answer ill try tomorrow well brett let me now all the latest newws when youve got time look forward to hearing from you lots of love and kisses mom and brian xxxx

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